
April 21, 2018

Card & Gift Winner ...

Hi Everybody,

Hello on this beautiful Saturday morning and I hope you all have good things planned in the lovely sunshine.

One little Spaniel has had some fun playing in the sea and here is Ruby running in the waves 

The draw for the card and gift has been done and the winner  is ...
Sue Pollock
please email me with your postal address to
and they will be on their way to you straight away.

On another note ... my kitchen is in and working but not finished yet. 

There are all the new tiles to add to walls and floor and the decorating to be done. And once it is done I will show you the complete change.

It is looking really modern and I am very pleased with it.

The hold up has been pieces missing from the order and Griff has had to keep chasing them up. 

But it is a credit to him and all the hard work he has done fitting this alone

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx


  1. Hi Christina, well done to the winner. I bet little Ruby loved it running in the sea. She looks a bit bedraggled now - bless her. Your kitchen is looking good. Well done, Griff - a brilliant job
    Best wishes
    Jenny C xxx

  2. Good Morning Christina :) Wow! Your beautiful kitchen was well worth waiting for!! Griff, as always, has done an excellent job. He sure is a gem. Miss Ruby looks so precious and happy. It's almost 6:00 a.m. here and still dark outside. So, I don't know if we'll have sunshine or not today, but we are expecting friends over to play some pinochle (card game). We still have two feet of snow on the ground from the storm a few days ago. Congrats on your lovely kitchen! Looking forward to seeing the finishing touches. Enjoy your day Dear Lady. Big Hugs.

  3. Well done Sue - enjoy! Lovely photo of Ruby - So pleased we are enjoying the sun at long last! Your kitchen looks wonderful- all that space! Bet you still manage to fill all the cupboards though. LOL xxx

  4. ruby looks very happy romping in the waves. the kitchen is looking great.

  5. Yay You Sue! Happy Dance for you! Well Done. I know you will enjoy your treasure for a long time.

  6. well done sue. kitchen looking good Christina!!!!

  7. Congrats Sue...enjoy the stamp set
    Ruby, is a happy dog playing in the water...awesome
    Christina, your kitchen is starting to look good...tfs

  8. Hi Christina.....that Ruby really loves the water ! and your kitchen is looking sharp, even thou it's not finished....Griff is really doing a marvelous job.

    Toni Selden

  9. Lovely day for Ruby in the water, your kitchen looks beautiful, it’s a lovely size you could have a good party in there lol. Love Anne Owens xx

  10. Congratulations Sue, next time I should cross my fingers:-)
    Ruby is having fun. The kitchen looks great. Hope you can use it now.
    Have a great/e. Even here in Ontario Canada we are having a nice sunny day

  11. Jealous of your kitchen? nah! who would be? - ME! It is wonderful, you must be delighted.
    Your Ruby looks like she has had a wonderful time in the sea.

  12. Pleased for you Sue, enjoy. Diana

  13. Congratulations Sue !
    Christina,your big kitchen looks great. Ruby will have a lot of space to play while you are cooking.

  14. Christina - Ruby looks to be enjoying herself! Your kitchen Is looking very nice. Glad you & Ruby Gordon to get out & about.
    Congratulations to Sue!
    Thank you again for being so kind to your followers Christina!


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