
July 15, 2018

Here's my kitchen ...

Hi Everybody,

Well at long last the kitchen is completely finished and here is the video to show you the result.
I am really pleased with everything and it is a lovely fresh room to be in. 
Griff has worked hard from stripping out the old one and then transforming it into this beautiful space and it surely is a credit to him.

The further differences in the above photo are the doors at each end of the room are now white and we had some blinds fitted yesterday. 

Now we can sit back and enjoy it 

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx


  1. Your kitchen is fab worth the wait now you can enjoy
    Love June Horrocks xxxxx

  2. Lovely Christina, bet its a pleasure to work in. Cute to see Ruby in on the video.
    Love Val in Spain x

  3. Oooh Christina, Griff has been so busy. This is a wonderful kitchen for youboth to enjoy. So much space and so many cupboards.Ruby giving her approval too, she is lovely.Have a lovely day.
    Dorothy. xx

  4. Well done Griff - its fantastic. Thanks for the video Christina - no wonder you're happy. Lovely to see Ruby - she is very well trained - All credit to both you, Griff and Ruby xxxx

  5. what a lovely kitchen!! Well done to Griff for all his hard work, you must be very proud of him, and what a good little girl Ruby is!
    Enjoy your lovely kitchen hugs Lyn xxxx

  6. Hi Christina, love the kitchen, Wish I had a cleaver man like yours.
    and how good is Ruby!, trained very well, such a darling no wonder you love her to bits. Enjoy your Sunday . Denise

  7. Hi Christina
    Your new kitchen is lovely and what I call a dream kitchen - plenty of cupboards and work surfaces. Well done, Griff, you must be so proud of him to do such a brilliant job. Good to see the lovely Ruby, of course, she's adorable and so obedient. Enjoy your new space
    Best wishes
    Jenny C xxx

  8. Hello Christina,
    That's fabulous and Griff has made a wonderful job. My OH can't even put up a shelf!!!
    Lovely to see Ruby, she's a real sweetheart.
    Maureen x

  9. So beautiful! I am fascinated by not seeing this humongous it under the cupboard with the glass door? I feel as though my fridge takes up 1/2 of my kitchen space. We must eat too much.
    ��. I love everything Griff has done...lovely!

  10. What a lovely kitchen, Griff did a lovely job, so enjoy it. Nice to see Ruby,she is getting so big.

  11. Hi Christina. Fantastic kitchen. Well done Griff. I bet it
    has been well worth the wait. Christina where were your
    blinds from they are fab, Thanks Mavis L x

  12. I Love it Christina,Its so nice and airy looking..a great place to work in..Hope you and Griff enjoy it for along time to come....Well done.....Lets not forget Ruby....She looks content...

  13. Kudos to Griff for all his hard work. It's gorgeous. Many cups of tea and dinners will surely be enjoyed there.

  14. Your kitchen turned out really nice. You probably enjoy cooking more than ever now. Good to see Ruby again.

  15. Such a beautiful kitchen. I love all of your cabinets..wish I had that many. You are a lucky woman, Christina, to have such a talented husband. Griff did a really great job. And Ruby is just well trained.

  16. what a great makeover. love what grif has done. I too wonder where the frig is? another question is the tea/coffee area. the orbs are they storage for the coffee pods? beautiful and love the blinds.

  17. Absolutely stunning! Yay Griff!

  18. Love your new kitchen.....Thanks for the tour.

  19. Congratulations on your beautiful new kitchen! Griffin certainly did an incredible job with the remodel. I love the differences between our country's vocabulary. You refer to your "garden" while we refer to our yard. We say stove while you say cooker. Fun!

  20. Oh WoW !!! That is fantastic - I am insanely jealous. :-) I really love the idea of those blinds inside the window. At least you don't have to mess about cleaning the slats !! He is a wonderMan :-) Hello Ruby.... she is adorable xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  21. Beautiful kitchen, pleased for the 3 of you. Thanks for sharing. Diana xxx

  22. Congratulations on your new kitchen! It looks fantastic :))
    I can see why you love spending time there...
    Thanks for sharing!

  23. Im going to find my self a Griff...….

  24. Pam Mckenzie . A beautiful kitchen Christina. Well done Griff you have made a super job of it, congrats to you both and of course the adorable Ruby love Pam Mckenzie, Spain

  25. Am I jealous? of course not! I'm so happy that you are happy with your so very beautiful kitchen love the colours you chose.

  26. What a lovely kitchen! Your husband is a gem.
    I love all the rounded cupboards and surfaces. Just beautiful!

  27. Christina.....a kitchen well worth waiting for....Absolutely stunning....a very talented man is your husband....Thanks for sharing....and Ruby minds so well....


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