
July 14, 2018

Today's Winner ...

Hi Everybody,

Another beautiful day here and I have lots of things to do over the weekend.
 One of the things I want to do is film my kitchen now that it is completely finished. 
I had new window blinds fitted yesterday and so now it is ready to show you. 
I love it and it is completely different to how it used to be. Well and truly up to date 

The draw for yesterdays card and gift has been done and the name this week is ...

Luz Berenguer
would you email me please with your postal address to
and the gift will be on its way to you straight away.

I hope you will enjoy playing with the set and please let me know when it arrives safely with you.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx


  1. Well done Lux have fun playing with your gift you lucky thing
    Sue xx

  2. Congrtas Luz..enjoy the stamp set.
    Can't wait to see your new kitchen Christina.

  3. Well done Liz, enjoy. Diana xxx

  4. Well done Luz, enjoy. Diana xxx

  5. Congratulations Luz, enjoy this set.


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