
September 22, 2018

Card & Gift Winner ...

Hi Everybody,

Back to normal this week after a really good week away. The weather wasn't too kind to us but we all enjoyed it any way. We had to buy waterproof jackets but they will always come in for dog walking now we are back at home. I bought some walking boots as well, that are also waterproof.
Even the dogs had the luxury of  new waterproof jackets too and very smart they both looked.

We had a lovely cottage in the Lake District and each day we went somewhere different.
But my favourite walk has to be Tarn Hows and there you can walk all around the lake and see some beautiful scenery.

Dougal went paddling ... but Ruby ... well she was in there to swim and she had a lovely time.

So now back home and the draw for yesterdays offering of the New Home die and stamp set has been done and the winner is ...

Toni Seldon 

could you email me your postal address please to
and the gift will be on it's way to you.

A big thank you to last weeks winner Sherry Hay for being patient with the delay in sending your prize. Now that I am back home both prizes will be posted promptly.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx


  1. Welcome home Christina. Pleased you enjoyed the break- It was well deserved. Congratulations to Toni- A great gift. xx

  2. Congrats to Toni! I am sure that you will enjoy your stamp set.

  3. Christin, glad you had a great time away..
    Congrats Toni, enjoy the stamp set.

  4. Congratulations Toni, it looks a great set.
    Maureen x

  5. So glad you had a good vacation except for the rain. Sounds lovely! Congratulations Toni!

  6. So glad you enjoyed your vacation, Christina. I can sympathize with you on the rain..even though I live in Florida, which is supposed to be the sunshine state, we had rain almost every afternoon for several weeks. It wasn't a heavy rain, just enough to get everything wet. The silver lining, though, was that it kept us a little cooler which I very much enjoyed. Hope that was the case with your vacation.
    Congratulations to Toni! It's so exciting to see one's name in Christina's blog and know that you've won a fabulous prize, isn't it?
    Christina, it really is quite okay that you couldn't mail my prize when you would've liked. It just makes it more exciting waiting for it. Thank you again!

  7. Congrats Toni, enjoy, I am quite envious but will keep trying. Back to reality Christina,but many happy memories for you. Diana xxx


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