
September 23, 2018

Ruby Update ...

Hello Everyone,

It's Ruby here and I wanted to tell you about my holiday.

My mum and dad took me to a little cottage in the Lakes and we had a lovely time.

Dougal and Vickie came with us and we had lots of long walks. 

I went swimming on three of the days but I have my lovely warm drying jacket to dry me off, and I love swimming

My dad bought me this lovely red jacket when we went into Ambleside and it is really warm.

I had to get a bigger size coz I am TWO now ...but still very beautiful don't you think ???

I took my cozy bed with me to sleep in, but it was nice to get back home to all the things I am used too.

I had such a good holiday with all the people I love especially Dougal.

But then Dougal and I can have a good time when we are together wherever we are 

See you soon 
Bye for now ...

Ruby xx


  1. Good Morning Ruby. What a lovely holiday you have had. My son has Bouncer he is like you but all black and loves being taken to the Lakes too with his friend a Chihuahua. You are getting a big girl now and more beautiful. Your Mum and Dad will have enjoyed it too. xx

  2. Glad you all had a good time....Have you ever thought of writing a childs book about do have a way with words..and im 63 !!!

  3. I love reading the updates on Ruby and Dougal. So glad you all had such a wonderful vacation.

  4. Thanks for the update Ruby. Love the photo of you with Dougal.


  5. Hi lovely to hear from Ruby and glad you had a good time
    and yes you are still beautiful.
    M Hinchcliffe

  6. Morning Ruby, Sounds like you had a wonderful time with Dougal. Your new jacket is very smart, you look lovely in it. x

  7. I love your dog Christina I used to have a golden cocker who was so full of life, unfortunately she lost the use of her back legs but we have so many happy memories of our time with her.
    Sue x

  8. Love the update - Such a happy dog - unconditional love from her to you and from your family to her. xxxx

  9. so wonderful to wake up to your musing, ruby. you and Dougal have such wonderful times together. you are such an adorable dog. I don't know how your people get any work done. I would have to play with you all the time. thanks for keeping us posted on your escapades and fashions!

  10. Hello Ruby, you do look beautiful in your red coat, it seems so cosy. Pleased you and Dougal had such a super holiday, hugs Kate xx

  11. Hello Christina,
    I love the Lakes, it so beautiful there and glad you enjoyed your holiday. I can't believe that Ruby is 2 now, where have those years gone, she looks very smart in her new red jacket!
    Maureen x

  12. Hellllllooooo Miss Ruby :) What a way to start my Sunday than to see a post from you! If it weren't for my two little Dachshunds ~ Isabelle and Angel Baby, I would have to say, you are the most adorable fur baby in the entire world! Yeppers! And, Girl, you are so styling in your Beautiful Red Coat! Love it! I'm so happy you and your BFF have wonderful fun adventures together. It's always more enjoyable to have a special someone to share things with. Please thank your Mum for posting your updates. I always enjoy them. I also want to wish your Mum continued success in her Business of Beautiful Crafting Products. Well Miss Ruby, Thank you for making my day and I hope you get a good cuddle. Big Hugs. xo

  13. Hello Ruby! I'm so glad you and your Mum and Dad had a great vacation! You look quite smart in your new coat. I can imagine the fun you had swimming in the lake. I'm also glad Vickie and Dougal got to share the fun with you. Say "hello" to Dougal. Hope to hear from you again soon!

    Your friend,

  14. I love to see the stories about Ruby and her friend. Such a cute and wonderful family member.

  15. Hello gorgeous Ruby
    It's lovely to hear from you again and I am glad you and Dougal had a lovely holiday. You look super smart in your new red coat and I bet it was good to keep warm in on your walks. I hope you have been a good girl for your mum and dad as I'm sure you have. Enjoy being back home with all your toys and familiar surroundings. Hope to hear from you again soon.
    Note to Christina
    I hope you, Griff and your daughter have enjoyed your holiday as well and not been disturbed too much by the bad weather.
    Best wishes
    Jenny C & Barney xxx


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