
October 14, 2018

Brusho Die Cut

Hi Everybody,

This card was made some time ago when I was playing with the Brusho Crystal Colours.

They are such a lovely way to play and can be used in a variety of ways. For this card I have simply spritzed the card with water and then added the crystals.

But you can mix a small amount of the powder with water onto your craft mat and use them as water colours.

But be warned a little goes a long long way so use sparingly and the colours are very vibrant too.

I used a die that I bought many years ago and I can't remember the name of the die or where I got it from,  but I have teamed it with the sentiment from my 6x6 Box and Card die set

Quick and easy card and with maybe a change of colour ideal for a male one

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx


  1. Great card today & congrats to both winners.


  2. Lovely card Christina.
    The Brusho Crystals are really interesting.
    Love Val in Spain x

  3. Hello Christina,
    It's great to see you revisit old dies as it reminds us to do the same, and we all need quick and easy cards now and again. Thanks!
    Maureen x

  4. Love the fact it would look so different with other colours - Brushos are so useful/ Thank you Christina.

  5. Pam Mckenzie - umm different type of card today but still very nice, I have never tried the brusho crystals who knows one day I may be able to try them. lv. Pam Mckenzie, Spain

  6. LOVE it. Great card and design (as always)

  7. Hi Christina
    Love the card. Nice to do simple straight forward ones some times
    Best wishes
    Jenny C xxx

  8. Very pretty and definitely a versatile design. Loving the idea of using it for masculine cards.

  9. I like easy cards, thank you. Diana xxx

  10. Easy, simple but lovely.


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