
October 13, 2018

Card & Gift Winner

Hi Everybody,

Hope you are all going to have a good weekend and lots of relaxation ...  if that is your choice. I know that some of you have crafting weekends and that is what I will be doing today ... filming as I go along.

I am also preparing for the winners of the "Workshop with Christina" which takes place on the 17th October.  If you entered then "Thank You" for taking part and if you are one of the winners then I shall be delighted to meet you all this coming Wednesday in Stockport.

Back to today , the draw for the two Peacock dies that I have has been done and the two names are ...

Linda Batson
Denise Bryant
So would you both please email me your postal address to
and the gifts will be on the way to you straight away
You have 72 hours to claim them and if not claimed they will be offered again at a later date.

Two more gifts on offer next week

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx


  1. Congratulations Linda and Denise, enjoy.

  2. I'm so excited to find my name here today! Sending you my info, Christina! Thanks so much!

  3. Congratulations ladies on winning such a lovely prize.
    Val in Spain x

  4. Congrats to both winners Linda and Denise, have fun with the peacock die


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