
December 08, 2018

Card & Gift winner

Hi Everybody,

It's Saturday morning again and it's raining. I have tried to stay positive this week and get done all the things I needed to do. 

My little Ruby is a treasure and she is with me wherever I go ... and I mean everywhere. It's as if she is scared I will disappear too.

I think we have been good for each other over the last few difficult weeks and I would not swap her for the world. She is an angel in disguise.

The draw for the card and gift from yesterday has been done and the name of the winner this week is ....

Shelley Yalden
Please can you email me your postal address to
and they will be on their way to you straight away.

And the prize to Jean Marmo is now on it's way also ... and once again my apologies for the delay.

Could both of you please let me know that you have them safely 

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx 


  1. She looks so sweet, my John says that our dog is my dog as he follows me all the time, xxxx

  2. I am sure you little Ruby is a true blessing to you, animals are just amazing, we certainly do under estimate them...wonderful companions through difficult times....big hugs to you both, keep strong....lots of love, Ursula xx

  3. Hi Christina, well done Shelley that’s a beautiful gift you have won. Ruby will be great company for you, you are so strong getting back into your cardmaking, take care love Anne Owens xxx

  4. Hello Christina, yes I'm sure Ruby is a godsend, especially just now, dogs are so intuitive and know when things are wrong, hugs Kate x

  5. Thankyou Christina. I'm glad you and ruby have eachother and are getting by ok together. X

  6. Hello Christina, I'm glad that you and Ruby are helping each other, I know my sister-in-laws dog has been a Godsend to her.
    Congratulations Shelley, enjoy.
    Maureen xx

  7. Hi Christina. My dog would be the same he follows my husband every where. they become like your babies and become very loyal.Mavis L x

  8. So glad that you have Ruby! Our pets can bring such comfort!
    Congrats to Shelley!

  9. Congratulations Shelley!

    I'm glad you have Ruby as your friend, fur baby and companion. My sister lost her high school sweetheart husband of nearly 49 years last year. Their dog Asher, was really attached to my BIL and visibly grieved. He's been a wonderful companion for my sister and I'm very thankful she has him. Because I had known Terry for more than 53 years, it feels like I lost my brother. He was such a great man, as I am sure your Griff was too. I know you hold your memories close and Ruby is a huge part of those memories. Bless you and sweet Ruby,Christina!

  10. Enjoy the gift Shelley. I won a Friday Freebie a while ago and have had lots of use from it! A big hug to you and Ruby Christina. Keep your chin up xxx

  11. Congratulations, Shelley Yalden!
    Christina, I know how much strength, companionship, and love Ruby has provided for you..and you for her. I felt the same way about my cats when my husband passed away. You don't have to pretend to be cheerful or handling everything with them. They give you love and something to cuddle and hold onto. Thank heaven for our furbabies.

  12. Glad that your furry family is with you Christina....hugs
    Congrats Shelley enjoy your prize

  13. Congratulations to Shelley. So pleased you have Ruby for company.

  14. Love the Ruby pic … she just looks like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth! Dogs are wonderful companions and instinctively know when we are distressed … they just lean into you and pour out their love and affection. So glad you have Ruby.

  15. What a lovely photo of Ruby-I’m sure she’s a wonderful companion for you right now.

    Congrats to the winner.


  16. Im very pleased you have Ruby, and I know you have a great family around you... I have thought of you over the past few weeks, and im glad you are Marie

  17. Hugs, Christina. And yes, dogs are angels with paws instead of wings.

  18. Enjoy Shelley. Christina I have just had a friend's dog for two days so she could go away for a break, I loved the company. Diana xxx

  19. Pets can be such a comfort and I am so pleased that Ruby is such a loving companion. Congratulations to Shelley too.

  20. They certainly can help in difficult times with so much unconditional love, I'm so happy you have that given to you.


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