
December 14, 2018

Friday Freebie - Serene Beauty

Hi Everybody,

I am so sorry for the lack of blog posts this week  but if you read my blog regularly I am sure you will understand why.

Now this card is completely in my comfort zone with all the beautiful embellishments I have added to it.

I have used the oval die from my own brand Card Making Magic and it is available from Craft Stash 

The A4 stamp set was with Creative Stamping  in June this year and it has some lovely images and sentiments on it.

The video to show you some of my ideas is Serene Beauty   and includes this floral card to just a simple background

So if you would like to have this stamp set then please leave me a comment at the end of the post with your FULL NAME.

I will let you know in tomorrows blog post who has won both  the stamps and the card so be sure to come back and check.

All the winners are listed each week in the Winners Page so that you can check again if you wanted to know

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx


  1. We miss you and we understand Christina. Take all the time you need.
    Thank you for this freebie. I love your comfort zone cards.
    Christine Cloutier

  2. A beautiful card Christine,
    It is understandable that you are having up and down days after what has happened. Take it one day at a time. My thoughts are with you and the family Hugs Alison Rennell

  3. I'd love to go into the hat for this beautiful set. And I think most of us would fully understand if you took a complete break from blogging for a while. Have as good a Christmas as you can, I hope the memories it will bring will give you some happy moments.

  4. I hope that didn't sound too clumsy, I'm hopeless at finding the right words to say.

  5. Lovely card!
    Post whenever you're up to it.... we love seeing your beautiful creations!
    Denise Bryant

  6. Pretty Card today as a giveaway & very much your style.

    Michele Coffey

  7. Love the colours. You can sure to a lot with those stamps. Very creative.

  8. Good morning Christina. Thrilled to see this weeks
    giveaway. It must be very difficult for you but all
    of understand. Love to win. Mavia Lymch

  9. Great to see you back - I was worried about you

  10. Morning Christina, totally understand if you don't blog everyday but appreciate it when you do. Would love to be in with a chance of winning this week's offering.

  11. Dear Christina, love this card it really is "so you". I think we all totally understand if you are not up to blogging every day. Take one day at a time let happy memories help you cope at this difficult time. Please know that we all enfold you in a virtual hug every day in your journey. Biggest hugs ever, Lyn Nash

  12. Beautiful Card as always Christina. That Sentiment could have been written for you.
    Kim Cranson

  13. Please don't feel you need to say sorry Christina everyone understands
    Thanks for a lovely giveaway.
    Love to you xx

  14. Fabulous giveaway Christina. I'm sure everyone fully understands if you don't feel like blogging. Our thoughts are with you. Gilly Hubbard

  15. I fully understand how you are feeling Christina, and believe me, my thoughts and prayers are with you....We certainly have missed your wonderful creations, but we know you will be back in your own time...take one step at a time...lovely giveaway today....luv Ursula Longworth xx

  16. Good morning, Christina. What an awesome giveaway! Love your very creative style. We do understand that this is an extremely difficult time in your life; but, remember you are loved by many.

  17. Thinking of you Christina, take care. Love Anne Owens xx
    Sorry if I’ve commented more than once

  18. I'm sure we all understand why you're not feeling like blogging at the moment. This is a beautiful card and, I think, very apt for you at the moment. I would love a chance to win this lovely set please.
    Kath Buckell x

  19. Thank you Christina for continuing with your give aways - so kind of you to think of us at this time. Don't forget there are lots of us thinking of you this Christmas and wishing you and your family a better 2019.

  20. Merry Christmas!!! This stamp set is absolutely beautiful! I would love to win this one, because I am still building my collection and this would be a wonderful addition! Thanks for the opportunity to win! And good luck to all of us!

  21. Thank you Christina for all you do and are still doing...Lovely card and a great prize for the person lucky enough to win it...Blessings to you and your lovely family..Hugs..

  22. Lovely giveaway as always Christina
    Never a good time, but Christmas always seems worse, keep your chin thinking of you xx

  23. O course we understand Christina you are a very brave lady we love and respect you thank you so much for the chance to win this card thank you
    Love always June horrocks xxxxxxx

  24. Completely understand Christina, you are doing o.k. do what you can when you can. Beautiful card and good video. A freebie stamp set I would love to own. Thank you for all you do for us. Diana Lawton xxx

  25. Beautiful card as usual Christina. We totally understand and I would imagine everyone's thoughts are with you X Denise Middleton

  26. Beautiful creations and products . Take your time to move forward in life as you are able....everyone understands. God Bless Donna Johnstone.

  27. Great giveaway Christina thank you.
    Just take life one day as a time. We're all here for you whenever you decide to pop in.
    Love Val Jonesx

  28. Nice to see you whenever you feel up to it Christina. Another lovely card too. shelley yalden

  29. Dear Christina, please do whatever's best for you. This is a time to take care of yourself..we all understand and want only the best for you..which is to heal..and that will take time, lots of time. We will all be here whenever you feel like blogging. Until then, and I'm sure everyone else feels the same way, you will be in our thoughts and prayers. Sending a comforting hug your way.....Sherry Hay.

  30. You are certainly missed by all of us but take your time- day by day and you will get stronger. I feel for you. Thank you for all you are doing to keep in touch. This is a lovely friday freebie so fingers crossed. xxx

  31. That is absolutely beautiful Christina. I have that issue. I have never put that type of flower on cards before because of shipping but I may just have to try it for hand out cards.

  32. Your cards are always so beautiful Christina. I would love to win this give away. Take care. Pippa Price

  33. Pam Mckenzie - Welcome back Christina, we all understand you must have time to yourself, take care and take all the time you need to adjust. A lovely card today and many of us would like to win it, thank you for the chance. Pamela Anne Mckenzie - Spain

  34. Hi Christina
    It's so good to see you back. Take each day as it comes and do what is best for you at the time. You and your family are always in my thoughts and do so feel for you. Thank you for doing a giveaway this week - it is so thoughtful of you. I am glad of the chance to win this amaszing stamp set. Take care
    Love and hugs to you and little Ruby
    Jenny Cottam and Barney xxx

  35. What a gorgeous card! No need to apologize. Pop in when you are up to it! jean marmo

  36. Hello Christina,
    As long as you are all right, that's the main thing. It's only because we are concerned about you that we worry when you don't post.
    Today's card, as usual, is beautiful.
    love Maureen xx

  37. Totally understand and feel deeply for you. The words on the card are beautiful. Big hugs!

  38. A lovely Christmas Present for someone. Enjoy

  39. i long for the serenity expressed here. miserable storm knocked out powewr for days and computer still not on the internet. i'm connecting from the library. thank goodness for that! beautiful set. such a pretty card. as they use to say years ago "calgon ... take me away! Christi Neal

  40. I fully understand and you be back on the day you feel like it and post when you can.
    Beautiful set of stamps and as usual your card is lovely
    hugs Maria Alder

  41. Lovely to hear from you again Christina. Take your time, we will be here waiting. Beautiful card and interesting video. Thank you xx

  42. We all understand. A lovely card which I would love to win to give to a loved one going through a very difficult time.Lin Duke

  43. This card is also typical of my style and it is gorgeous! I hope you know, Christina, that we understand your need to take time right now. Please don't apologize. When you feel up to blogging and card making, we'll be here. (((((((HUGS)))))))

  44. It must be so hard for you getting back to what you do so well, I know Griff used to help you a lot and you would be missing him so much. Loved your card as always, and this is the style that I associate with you, have a lovely Christmas, may god bless you richly. Cheers Gloria Lamb.

  45. Hoping you can find peace and comfort in each passing day.
    your cards are just beautiful with this set!

  46. Glad you are back Christina.It is understandable not to be able to delight us every day with your creations.Take all the time you need. Thinking of you Christina every day.Take care. And thank you for your generosity.
    Hugs from Toronto
    Carmen Ciubotariu


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