
December 15, 2018

Card & Gift Winner

Hello Everybody,

The card that is with this weeks gift was one I made some time ago and is in the style that I really enjoy making and so I hope that the winner this week will like the colours that I chose.  There are some lovely images on the A4 stamp sheet that is on offer and I am sure that you will have fun playing with them. 

All the Friday Freebies to the end of this year were all done well in advance and then scheduled to go out each week. And that has been a big help to myself knowing they will go out without any problem

There have been very few blog posts this week but that doesn't mean I have been doing nothing.
Tomorrow there is a short video about my newest collection, and there is more to come by the end of the year.

Craft Stash have been working really hard on my behalf to get these new dies and stamps out to you, but now it is time for me to do my part. There is one thing for sure and that is time marches on and waits for no one. I know Griff would have loved this new collection and he would be proud of whatever I achieve.

Those who met him will have been shown the films he has of me and my cards that he stored on his phone ... and he was never shy of showing them to anybody and everybody that would look.

So the winner of the card and gift today is ...

June Horrocks
please email me with your postal address to
and they will be in the post to you straight away.

Thank you to everybody for your understanding and your kinds words they have been a great comfort  and support to me over the past few dreadful weeks. And thanks also for staying with me in the past and into the future

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx


  1. Congratulations June H, enjoy using this fabulous set.
    Maureen x

  2. Well done June have fun with your freebie
    Sue x

  3. Lovely to see a regular name as a winner- enjoy the prize June and Happy Christmas - Margaret x

  4. Congratulations June. A lovely set to play with.
    Val in Spain x

  5. Congratulations June on winning this set. I am sure you will make good use of it. Have fun!

  6. Lucky June:-)
    I saw your new collection, Christina. I really like the borders. No doubt Griff is proud of you and also watching over you.

  7. I caught a glimpse of the new collection on the website...I love it! Seriously going to get the whole lot (though probably not all in one go!) The size of the alphabet dies are fantastic...just what i need. The heart border is something I will use again and again in my girls scrapbooks. Well done, you should be so proud!

  8. Well done June and you Christina, chin up and keep crafting, xxxc

  9. Congrats June. Christina, you do what you need to do, we all understand.

  10. Hi Christina
    Well done June. Enjoy using your gift. Can't wait to see your new collection, Christina. I already have quite a lot of items from your collection so am waiting with bated breath for the next lot
    Love & hugs
    Jenny C xxx

  11. Congratulations June! Enjoy your lovely card!

    Looking forward to your newest collection, Christina!

  12. Well done June, enjoy. Diana xxx

  13. Well done June, you have won a beautiful card with the stamps x

  14. Congratulations to June on her win. Looking forward to seeing your new collection Christina. I've not peeked yet!! xx

  15. Hi Christina sorry I've not been in for a few days I have been poorly with the horr cough & it's still going on. I will look forward to seeing your new collection. As you say Griff would be very proud of you. Your amazing how you have carried on. After a horrible goo few eeeks
    Congtulations June. Xx
    Hug's Lynda xx

  16. Congratulations June, you should have lots of pretty cards from this. Christina I'm sure Griff will always be watching over you. And take care of your self first. We will all be here ready for what ever you can share with us.


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