
January 20, 2019

Card & Gift Winner ...

Hi Everybody,

A really big "Thank you" to all who tuned in yesterday to watch my first
appearance on Hochanda.
It was an amazing two shows and a complete sell out by the end of them both. I was really pleased that everything went so quickly and I hope you will enjoy playing with your new purchases when they arrive with you. 

The new products will be with Craft Stash this week so if you missed out on the super sale on Hochanda then you will still be able to get them here
  Card Making Magic 

I will be adding cards and videos over the next few weeks so please come back to view.

But for now the draw has been done for the Friday Freebie and the winner this week is
Marjorie Bates
please would you send your postal address to
and they will be on their way to you straight away.
You have 72 hours to claim the gift and please let me know when it arrives with you.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx


  1. I just loved both your shows Christina, your ideas were brilliant, love your new dies....Paula was great too...Great you had a sell out...must pop over to Craftstash and see if they still have it, will get it..Look forward to seeing you again soon on the telly....luv Ursula xx

  2. Hi Christina
    I watched your shows on catch up and you were great. I'm so pleased it was a sell out. People know quality products when they see them. I know I love all your collection. I will definitely be sending for the ribbon threading dies because I think they are great,
    Hugs and best wishes
    Jenny C xxx

  3. A really good informative show. Congratulations Marjorie.

  4. Hello Christina,
    The shows were fab and you were great. Griff would be so proud of you and rightly so.
    Congratulations to Marjorie, I have this set and it's so useful.
    love Maureen x

  5. It was wonderful to see you, you look so well, and thank you for the link to Craft Stash. I hope they ship internationally, as Hochanda still refuses to do so after, what is it? 3 years now since they started? and I have begged them over and over. All my suppliers went from Create & Craft over to Hochanda, and I now have to serch the Net for shops that sell teir stuff. Not good enough. They're not good enough at all.
    Still, so good to see you and you did so well!

  6. Congratulations on the success of your shows and Marjorie.

  7. Your shows were great Christina. You must be over the moon. I look forward to your future shows xx

  8. Your fame is certainly spreading! Its certainly well deserved. The shows & demos were really good. You even managed the glue not sticking ! LOL Bet that was a scary moment! Love the border dies. xxx

  9. Well done Marjorie, enjoy. Christina, pleased you had a successful time at Hochanda. Diana xxx


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