
January 18, 2019

Friday Freebie - Botanical Border

Hi Everybody,

Just a reminder that I will be on Hochanda Saturday 19th January at 10 am and 2 pm so I hope you will join me then

 And so that I don't miss this give away I am scheduling the post  for this pretty gift to go out while I am away.

This is Botanical Border and I made some really lovely cards with this all in the same colour scheme

The video will give you lots of ideas and so I hope you enjoy it.

If this is a gift that you would like to win then all you need to do is leave me a comment at the end of the post with your FULL NAME.  
This is to save any confusion if two people with the same first name apply.

 I won't be adding names to the hat if they are not your full one so if you wonder why you're not winning then check your comment and see if you added your name.

If you are new to the give away you can enter each week and it doesn't matter if you have won one before. I am happy to send the gift to you at my expense and it doesn't matter where you live.

You don't need your own blog but you DO need to come back and check for your name tomorrow. I will announce the winner, on my return from Hochanda, in a blog Post and you will have 72 hours to claim it.

If the gift is not claimed it will be re offered at a later date
Good Luck everybody.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx


  1. Good luck for you shows Christina I will definitely be pressing the record button for them a great giveaway too xx

  2. Beautiful stamp set and card!
    Denise Bryant

  3. this looks like a great prize to win. I love floral stamps they always come in very handy. I will watch the video later as am now off to fetch my son from the airport. take care xxxx

  4. A lovely Botanical set and I like the colours you've used on the cards in your video. I would like a chance to win this set please.
    Kath Buckell

  5. I like the way you use the leafy stems. Very spring like colours. Very pretty cards.

  6. Lovely card & a great giveaway.

    Michele Coffey

  7. This is a beautiful set Christina and I love your pretty card : )
    Thanks for the chance to win : )

    Jenny Hurley

  8. A fabulous giveaway Christina - as always! Look forward to the Hochanda show. Gilly Hubbard

  9. Very beautiful Christina, good luck for tomorrow too, xxx

  10. Really exited about you being on tele sat good luck
    Love June horrocks xxxxxx

  11. Hi Christina. What a lovely really assorted giveaway. heres hoping
    good luck tomorrow as I will be watching as it is my favourite channel.
    Mavis Lynch

  12. Love that set and the card you made with it x
    Jennifer Barnett

  13. Hi Christina,
    I'm looking forward to seeing you on Hochanda tomorrow. I hope you enjoy your time on the telly.
    What a lovely set to win.

    Kim Cranson

  14. Flowers so useful for any occasion, lovely free gift as always Christina thanks xx

  15. Love watching your videos, so much inspiration. I have your Hochanda show in my diary and determined to watch no matter what, just hoping our visitors do not show up early!! Pippa Price

  16. Beautiful cards and some great ideas. Would love this one . Good Luck everyone xx

  17. Yet another great set which would be a great addition to any stash. Especially like the die which would be good for seaweed on a mermaid card I need to make for my great niece. Once again, looking forward to seeing the shows tomorrow; all the best.

  18. What a pretty card, and versatile stamp set.Good luck to all. Lin Duke

  19. Hi Christina lovely card & great giveaway thank you.
    Hug's Lynda Brock xx

  20. Looking forward to seeing you back on the telly Christina, I am sure you have many beautiful samples and surprises for us....This is a wonderful giveaway, thank you very much....luv Ursula Longworth...xx

  21. good morning. I just watched the video. I think it finally clicked. you know how you see something a million times and it just doesn't hit the mark. I think watching today I got it. the cards are so pretty. I love the whole set. just awesome. Christi neal.

  22. Hi Christina. Im new to all this but i love your Videos! You are so clever! Barbara Coombes

  23. So many different designs from just one die and stamp set and so lovely prize to win.Thanks for the chance to win it! Good luck for tomorrow with the show.
    Hugs from Toronto
    Carmen Ciubotariu

  24. Hi Christina, what a lovely gift for someone to win...I just love the cards that you made with it...Ann Lauzon in Canada

  25. A very inspirational set. It will increase your creative challenges. I would love to win it, for it would be my first.
    Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  26. What a gorgeous die and love all the fun ways to use it! THanks for sharing!

    Jean marmo

  27. Une très jolie carte et un joli cadeau 😊

  28. Hi, Christina, what a beautiful card and a wonderful stamp and die set. I'm going to do my very best to watch both shows on Saturday, it's been way too long since you've been in front of the camera.
    Bejay xx

  29. Another lovely gift for some fortunate person to win. Thank you Christine for your generosity.

  30. Christina, your cards are just gorgeous! Love how you used the leaf borders to make two very different cards. The flowers are lovely and what a fun technique to make two colored flowers. So very simple but I never thought of it before. Thanks! Have a wonderful weekend!
    Donna Rinckel

  31. Thank you for the excellent video. Love all the cards made from this die and stamps but my favourite is the last one. Love this colour you have used on all the cards. Thank you.
    Brenda Hopkins

  32. Excellent interesting video. 7 very different cards with one set. Will watch you on my laptop as I cannot get Hochanda on my t.v. Good luck and enjoy, Diana Lawton xxx

  33. Lovely set. You are a wisard on how to use a single set.
    Christine Cloutier

  34. Lovely cards and great set of stamps, thanks for the opportunity to win. Sue Cockerham xx

  35. Hi Christina, I have recently re-joined your blog as I'm an avid follower of all your videos and am delighted with the free gifts you aee offering. You are my favourite crafter and I will tune in to Hochanda to watch you, hugs and best wishes xx Susan Clare Williams

  36. beautiful card, good luck with the show everyone will be rooting for you

  37. Terrific set of cards and stamps..Thanks Christina..For all your lovely work..Hugs....Hope you have a great weekend...

  38. thanks for the chance to have that lovely set, good luck with your t.v. show, will not be able to watch as I live in the wrong country

  39. Hi Christina a great giveaway I’m having problems commenting so I apologise if I have commented more than once x Anne Owens (Liverpool).

  40. Hi Christina. Lovely to watch this video again. A beautiful selection of cards to inspire us. Thanks for the chance to win this package. Enjoy your day at Hochanda xx

  41. I so admire your creativity! It helps with my own to see how many different things you do with one set. These are all beautiful cards, and I would love to win this.

  42. Such a pretty set. Will check out the video tonight. Good luck on Hochanda.
    Sherry Hay

  43. Flowers are so essential to card creating as they convey so many wishes. Thank you Christina, Cindy Wilson

  44. I wish everyone else good luck! I already have that set and it's wonderful. Thank you, Christina, for all your wonderful ideas.
    Barbara Youngs, USA

  45. Flowers are my favorite embellishments! I love each of these lovely cards and your color choices. Beautiful!

  46. Gorgeous examples with this set! Great ideas!

  47. Congratulations on your shows Christina, I thought you were going to have to give a song and dance as everything was selling out!!!
    love Maureen x

  48. Well done on your shows Christina a sell out. Congratulations love Anne Owens xx

  49. Congratulations Christina shows were brilliant glad you had Dave and Janice lovely presenters all sold out fab I loved the boxes so useful that box die the cards were lovely xxxxxx
    Love always June horrocks xxxxxx

  50. Fabulous job Christina on your tellie shows..I had to read comments to know how it went. I could not remember if it was possible to view it in USA. But excuse me I rattle on at times. This is a a very interesting set as it seems like you could get numerous design ideas for cards with these items. Good luck to all. And as always my prayers for you Christina.


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