
January 17, 2019

Sneaky Peak !!

Hi Everybody,

So the good news this week is that I will be on your telly this coming Saturday with more of my new collection to share with you.

And this is a sneaky peak of one of the items in the show that will be on HOCHANDA

I am really looking forward to be being back and this is the first show I have done for well over a year. 

I have some lovely samples to show you and these are from my very own collection Card Making Magic ... and I am so excited about it.

Griff would be so proud and he would be taking photos every two minutes to show the world and his wife at every available opportunity .... at least twice !!

So please join me on Saturday the 19th January at 10 am and again at 2 pm when I will be working with Paula Pascual and showing you some of the cards we have made.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx


  1. that sounds exciting, will make every effort to watch you. Yes Griff would have been very proud of you, you are amazing !!!xxxxx

  2. The sneak peek looks great-looking forward to seeing your show.


  3. Brilliant news Christina so happy for you lm sure griff would be taking loads of pictures he’d be so thrilled
    Love the sneaky peek see you sat
    Love June horrocks xxxxxx

  4. Hi Christina, I had the shows already tagged to record just in case I was unable to watch live. Best wishes for a successful showing of your beautiful products.

  5. Hi Christina, looking forward to it. Good luck. Denise

  6. Well done Christina, You're keeping busy and I'm sure that is what Griff would wish for you. Keep your chin up - see you on Saturday. Good Luck with the shows Love- Margaret xxx

  7. Congratulations Christina, will be wonderful to see you back again, I for one will definitely be watching and recording, so can catch up again later...I am sure Griff will be looking down on you, and very proud...Well done you have come a long way....luv Ursula xx

  8. Hi Christina I am so thrilled for you Griff would have been
    so proud of you. Cannot wait to see you on Hochanda. Has Paula
    left Tonic to demo with you. Mavis L x

  9. "The ones that love us, never really leave us. We can always find them... in here (heart)." Sirius Black Griff was always proud of you and always will be. Your family and readers are also very proud of you. Congrats with your new collection. Big Hugs. xo

  10. Hi Christina
    So looking forward to seeing your shows on Hochanda it's been too long.
    I'm sure Griff will be looking down on you taking lots of photos & very proud of what you have achieved. Love the sneak peek
    Love Lynda xx

  11. THe sneak is gorgeous! Have fun!

  12. This looks interesting. Will have to watch on Catch up but will definitely watch as soon as I can. I am sure Griff would be very proud of you.

  13. Hello Christina,
    This looks amazing and I'll be watching you on Saturday, I've written it in my diary!! Griff would have probably taken two dozen photos of everything, not just two.
    love Maureen xx

  14. Christina, is that a pay per view TV station in the UK, or can I watch somewhere else??? You tube maybe.....I love to follow you where ever you are, and Yes Griff is watching over you and beaming with how you are progressing into to different things!

  15. Hi Christina. I hope your show goes well; I still can't find a way to watch Hochanda, it doesn't come up on my TV, but I shall keep trying! Chris J x

  16. I hope to be able to see you on our tele, (at least computer LOL) and with Paula too? Yes Griff would have been proud of you. Good luck.
    Faith x

  17. Hope you have lots of fun making that show. I live in the U. S., so will not be able to watch. Isn't it strange how the smallest things our husbands did are some of the things we miss most. I'm sure Griff is beaming with pride while watching over you.

  18. That's great news Christina. I've set record as I'm out Saturday. Griff and all your family are very proud of you. Enjoy your day xx

  19. Great news, Christina!The sneak is beautiful. Yes, Griff would have been very proud of you. Good luck.
    Hugs from Toronto

  20. Can’t wait to see you Christina, Griff will be watching down on you he will be so proud of you. Love Anne xx

  21. Pretty sneak peek. Will see you on my laptop. Good luck. Diana xxx

  22. Hi Christina
    Hope everything goes well for you on Saturday, Griff will be looking down on you and will be so proud. Will try and watch if not will watch on catch up
    Hugs and best wishes
    Jenny C xxx

  23. so exciting, your sneak is lovely, all the best, I am sure Griff would be very proud as you should be, Hugs!


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