
May 26, 2024

Lin Duke - Winner

 Hi Everybody,

The vet hospital has just rung me with Ruby’s progress and she has been comfortable overnight.  She is still on a drip and painkillers and her temperature went up over night but has gone back to normal this morning. She is still being fed through the peg but is no worse than she was. They are managing to walk her outside for the toilet. And they have found out that she snores …… loudly.

Ruby will be kept in the hospital overnight and they will call me agin later with another update.  Thank you everybody for your messages and prayers. 

So the draw has been done for the bundle on offer and the name this week is

Lin Duke

Would you email me please with your postal address and I will get the pack in the post to you straight away.

I am sorry to say that last weeks prize has not been claimed and so will be offered again at a later date. 

I ask you every week to check over the weekend to see if your name is shown as I have no way to contact you and I am stuck if you don’t ….. but is is your loss.

More tomorrow….

Hugs xx


  1. Hi Christina I am so sorry to hear about you're lovely Ruby I will keep my fingers and toes crossed that she is going to be ok, our pets are very precious ❤ I'm thinking of you Christina and sending love and hugs 😘 🤗 Sue xx

  2. Congratulations to the winner.
    I wish Ruby speedy recovery, ohhh.
    Crafty hugs xx

  3. So pleased Ruby is improving Christina, I hope she makes a full recovery. Lots of love and hugs. Anne Owens ❤️

  4. You must miss Ruby…Hope this new vet will help her to a full recovery.
    Christine Cloutier

  5. Congratulations to Lin. Dear brave Ruby is holding on - good news, we continue to hope and pray for a full recovery. Sending love to you Christina. Ethne Gloss

  6. Congrats to the winner. So sorry to hear that Ruby is poorly, fingers crossed for a speedy recovery.


  7. Good Morning Christina and all that visit today. I am glad to hear Ruby has had a comfortable night. Our pets are stronger than we think. I hope she improves over the next few days 🙏 . I am thinking of you and your lovely Ruby. Sending hugs 🤗 and best wishes to everyone. Kind regards Ann Toppcards in Leeds.

  8. Congratulations Lin for winning. Everything crossed for Ruby's speedy recovery,
    glad to hear that she is improving. Maria x

  9. Congratulations, Lin Duke. You've won a lovely prize with all of those bundles.
    Christina, I will continue to pray for you and your little sweetie. I love to hear her snore during your videos. I hope the vet's office keeps her until she's completely well. I know how I am with my cats. I hate that they're sick and worry about them when they have to stay at the hospital, but I do feel better knowing that they're being constantly monitored by the technicians and vets. I hope that gives you some comfort knowing that medical staff is there with her and monitoring her health. Hugs and prayers for both you and Ruby.
    Sherry Hay

  10. Congrats to Lin!
    Keeping you and Ruby in my thoughts, Christina! I noticed no new posts so I am really hoping that things are OK and Ruby is doing much better.


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