
May 25, 2024

Ruby Update

Hi Everybody,

This has been a dreadful week for me as my beautiful Ruby is dangerously ill and is in hospital fighting for her life at present. 

She already has Cushing's Disease and is on life long medication for that. but she started to be be poorly on Monday.

 Lethargic, vomiting, panting and very restless. I took her to the vets and they gave her an injection to stop the sickness and antibiotics and sent her home.

She stayed quiet and lethargic and on Thursday I took her back as she was a lot worse.
They admitted her and did blood tests and put her on a drip as she was dehydrated.
They did other tests and told me she was a very sick dog and in a lot of pain with pancreatitis.

And then they told me to pick her up at 6.50 !!!!! What ?????
 My dog is desperately ill and you are sending her home.  My daughters came with me and it took us ten minutes to drive home from the vets and in that short drive home Ruby collapsed.

She had been on a drip all day and they took it out to send her home.  I rang back immediately to tell them what state she was in and was told it was now out of hours.  I couldn't believe it ... my dog is dying and I don't know what to do. 

They gave me an out of hours number (A&E animal surgery)  to ring in Bispham and they at that surgery told me to take her straight in. She was very very sick and everybody was worried and scared for her. 

Bispham A&E kept her overnight and did scans and X-Rays on her as well as more blood tests, and confirmed she has severe pancreatitis and is very very sick.

From there we took her to the Animal Hospital in Manchester and that is where she is at present.
 Poor Ruby has had to have many more tests and treatment. Scans, X-Rays,  drips, samples taken from her and monitored very carefully. 

They have told me she is anaemic as the pancreas is bleeding internally. She is on strong painkillers and is sedated. They have inserted a feeding peg through her neck into her stomach as she is not eating.
I am praying that she will be ok and that I will have her back home again soon.

Please keep her in your thoughts and pray she will pull through this as she is not yet eight.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx


  1. So sorry to hear that Ruby is so sick! Hope you have the support you need to go through all of this. I will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers.
    Christine Cloutier

  2. Oh Christina, I am so sorry to hear that dreadful news. Fingers crossed that they are able to help her get better.
    Love and hugs to you, your family and Ella. Best wishes for Ruby.
    Marie Q

  3. hello dear christina
    I wish you the best of luck with your darling RUBY, thinking of you

  4. Oh Christina this is so sad to hear about little Ruby.
    Really hoping that the vet can help her and that she
    will get better soon. Well wishes and lots of hugs to
    you and Ruby. Maria xx

  5. Poor Ruby, hope she recovers fast.

  6. Oh Christina my heart aches for you, for your beautiful Ruby I will say a prayer for her, I hope she makes a good recovery. Love Anne Owens ❤️

  7. Poor Ruby. Hope she gets better soon. (I would be changing the vets if ours had done that to our dogs.)

  8. Oh Christina, I'm in tears reading about poor Ruby, all the more so because as you know I have a beautiful cocker who is almost 11 months now. I'm keeping everything crossed for a good outcome. Much love from me and Ben. Bejay xx

  9. Christina, I’m so sorry to hear that Ruby is so very ill. She’s in the right place now and we are all thinking of you both and wishing you well. I think you should seriously think about changing vets as they appear to be very uncaring. Ruby obviously wasn’t ready to be sent home as she was very very ill. She’s such a beautiful doggie and deserves better. I do hope the news is a little better tonight but our thoughts are with you and your family xxxx
    Betty McAlister

  10. Oh no.... very sorry to hear that Ruby is so ill. Keeping good thoughts for her and for you also, Christina! It is so hard and very stressful for us to have our furry family members sick. I'm hoping she is improving and receiving the best care for her at the hospital she is at now.

  11. oh, so sorry to hear ruby is feeling so bad. i love reading of her escapades and stuff. sending good vibes.

  12. So sorry to hear about Ruby Christina. Hopefully she will show signs of improvement soon and before too long be home with you once again. Thinking of you and sending positive vibes and big hugs.
    Maggie Coleman xx

  13. Christina, I am so, so sorry to hear the news about your dear Ruby. I will send good thoughts and best wishes for a complete and speedy recovery all the way across the Atlantic. Keeping my fingers crossed, too. But don't forget to take care of yourself. You have to be in tip top shape for when Ruby comes home.

  14. Oh Christina so sad to hear that Ruby is so unwell. Praying she will respond to the treatment and that the Vets will have the wisdom and insight for the best plan of action. Thinking of you at this trying time. Love Ethne

  15. So sorry to hear this news about Ruby, she and you will be in our prayers

  16. Oh, Christina, as a fellow animal lover, I know how hard it is to have one of our babies seriously sick. It makes one feel so helpless. I have worried so much over my cats in the past. My heart hurts for you and for sweet Ruby. I will continue to pray for Ruby's health to improve and get back to normal and I pray for you as you go through this rough time. Please keep us posted on Ruby. I hope she's back to normal soon and sleeping beside you snoring away as you make your videos. Sending huge ((hugs)) to you.
    Sherry Hay

  17. Christina so sorry to hear Ruby is so poorly, my heart goes out to you. Hope you get good news soon. Take care.

  18. So sorry to hear about Rubys illness and the treatment you have had to endure with the vet practice. Hopefully she will pull through and get better soon. Janet

  19. Ohhhh Christina... My heart goes out to you. I know what you are going through we have done this twice before. You have all my prayers and thoughts.
    I am sorry this has happened while I have been sat on holiday. Also sorry that I couldn't post as the lack of Wi-Fi is unbelievable in Turkey. But that isn't important at the moment. Please be strong. Ruby knows how much she is loved by you and many of your followers. Sending hugs 🤗and love to you all. Kind regards Ann Toppcards in Leeds..

  20. Oh my Christina, I am so sorry to hear that Ruby is so poorly, I hope she recovers soon and is back home with you. I'd change my vet, that's poor service in terms of animal care and people care, who at such a time is obviously in distress and they should be sensitive to this. Hugs Kate x

  21. Oh no, sorry to hear this, we lost ours in September last year it’s heartbreaking seeing them suffer as they can’t tell you , prayers needed indeed
    Carole Eaton

  22. So sorry to hear what your poor Ruby is going through, hugs!


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