Beautiful Card Designs Made Easy

May 12, 2024

Val Wallis - Winner

 Hi Everybody,

Such a beautiful weekend weather wise and it is about time we had some decent sunshine.    Ruby and I have taken full advantage of it and been walking  out to the beach and Promenade as well as the woods nearby.  She even went in the sea for a  paddle to cool down a little.

The draw for the bumper bundle on offer has been done and the name this week is 

Val Wallis

Please would you email me with your postal address to
and I will get it all in the post to your straight away.

I really hope you enjoy all the goodies in this bundle and please be sure to let me know that it has arrived safely with you. I have also included a handmade Pokey Tool in the pack for your craft room.

And don't forget there is another bundle on offer next week too with the same goodies in it.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to Val. She’ll have great fun playing with all her new goodies xx
    Betty McAlister


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