Beautiful Card Designs Made Easy

July 07, 2024

Maggie Coleman - Winner

 Hi Everybody,

So today dawns bright and dry and will be a good day to take Ruby for a short walk. I feel so guilty not taking her further but she gets tired and sticks to my heels like glue when she has had enough.
Then I know it is time to head for home again. 

I hope you are enjoying the videos I have added lately and I have been doing two every week for a few weeks now. They are all on YouTube so if you could leave a comment at the end of the videos on YT that would be great. It lets YT know that you like that kind of video and then they will promote it even more.

Tre draw has been done for the offering on Friday and the name this week is

Maggie Coleman

would you send me your postal address please to
and I will get it sent to you straight away.

Please be sure to let me know that you have it safely and I hope you enjoy playing with the gift.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

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