Beautiful Card Designs Made Easy

January 27, 2025

Charity Box Time

Hi Everybody,

These are boxes of cards that I have made in the past few months and they are now ready to take to the charity shops that I support.

One is the RSPCA in honour of Ruby my Cocker Spaniel who is now eight years old.

The other is the Cats Protection to honour my little tortoiseshell kitten Ella who will be three in April and she is still very small.

Both shops are very near to where I live and I donate my cards regularly to each shop 

Each card has an envelope with it and they are packed in a cellophane bag to keep them clean

There are about 175 cards in each box so quite a lot of work has gone into these.

But whatever they sell them for then that is still a sizeable donation from me.

They cover all occasions from Birthdays to retirement  and many more in between, so plenty for people to choose 

I will take them to respective shops and it makes me very happy to see the smile on the managers faces when I hand the box over.

Some of the cards you may recognise  as many of them have been featured in blog posts in the  past.

There are lots of different techniques on this assortment also so people can be sure they will find something to their taste and I hope the card will make them feel happy and pleased with their purchase.

Bye for now ...  

Hugs xx



  1. Morning - eight years old eh. Where the heck did that go? I remember you getting Ruby. You are a very kind lady and I bet the charities are very pleased when they see you. Janet Boyne

  2. Good Morning Christina and all that visit today. What a busy lady you are. And I can only imagine the loo_k on the charity shop helpers when you hand over these beautiful cards

  3. And I am sure that the satisfaction you get must be immense.
    What a lovely photo of Ruby and Ella. Thankyou Christina for everything that you do for us crafters and the charity shops you support.
    Congratulations Sue Pollock I am sure you will love your gift.
    Sending hugs 🤗 and best wishes to everyone who needs them. Please stay safe and well 🙏. Kind regards Ann Toppcards in Leeds

  4. Lovely photo of Ruby and Ellie. Nice that your cards go to charities as they rely so much on donations. I always take my old towels to a dogs home and they are always so grateful.
    Joyce Jennings x

  5. What a wonderful gesture Christina, I bet the charity shops are chuffed with them, so much hard work must have gone into them. They will make a wonderful display in the shops. I can’t believe your Ruby is eight years old, and Ella is three, where have those years gone. Take care Christina. Love Anne Owens ❤️

  6. Ruby and Ella are absolutely gorgeous, I used to have a Cocker Spaniel some years ago she was a golden one, wow that's a lot of cards but going to a very good couse.
    Take care Christina Sue xx

  7. It's wonderful that you can support these two places with your card donations! They must be delighted to receive your lovely cards!
    Such a pretty photo of Ruby and Ella!

  8. i love that you donate in their honor. beautiful cards.

  9. You are such a generous soul. There are a lot of cards in those boxes.
    I am sure it is highly appreciated.
    I had a beautiful black and white female cat that was extremely small and she stayed that way until she passed away at 16 years old.
    Ruby and Ella are surely great companions to you and keeping you busy.
    Christine Cloutier

  10. Well done. All those lovely cards going to two well deserved charities.
    Sharon Brand

  11. Lovely photo of Ruby & Ella. Wow-that’s a fantastic donation to charity, I’m sure they’re thrilled when you arrive.


  12. Hi Christina, I’m sure that both charities love the visits from you ~ the cards will go down well their customers! Well done! Hugs, Maggie Coleman xx

  13. OMG Christina, I can't believe Ruby is 8 and Ella is coming up 3 already. I can vividly remember when you got them both as pup and kitten. I love Ruby's trim. I had Ben done a couple of weeks ago and he went from looking like a yak to being so sleek he's unrecognisable. I need to take him to the vet fast so they can see that he really is the right 'silhouette' and it was all fur and not fat the last time he was there lol.
    I wish I could make cards to donate to the local charity shops but, being disabled without transport, they just lay around hoping I'll use them one day.
    Bejay x

  14. Wow that is amazing, so wonderful way of giiving to these groups!

  15. Yes Christina, a lot of work has gone into making these and I hope the people that buy them appreciate all that hard work. The few that we can see look lovely and always at your professional standard. You have great ideas when making your cards. Wee cracking pic of Ruby and Ella too. Stay safe xxx Mags Wilkie

  16. That's so kind of you donating your handmade cards to them. God bless!


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