Hi Everybody,
It is very pleasant here in the North West. No wind, no rain, no snow and not that cold really.
Time for a nice walk with Ruby to the beach or maybe the woods.
Either way she doesn't care as long as she is out.
The draw has been done early today and the name this week is
Vicki Phillips
would you send your postal address please to
and I will get it in the post to you straight away.
Be sure to let me know that you have it safely and I hope you enjoy playing with it.
Just a little reminder about adding your FULL NAME .... and if you never win then go back and take a look at your comment,
does it say unknown ??? is there any indication of who you may be ???
Then how am I supposed to name you as a winner if your comment is picked ???
And have you left comments on other posts ???
Those are the only things I ask of you and it's not much to ask for a free gift with a magazine and whatever else falls into the envelope at the time I pack it. Sent at my expense to you wherever you are.
Bye for now ...
Hugs xx