Beautiful Card Designs Made Easy

Showing posts with label Inlaid dies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inlaid dies. Show all posts

June 19, 2024

Inlaid Leaves

Hi Everybody,

Here is another Inlaid Card and this time I have used the small leaves in my collections and added them randomly to the front panel.

This has then been layered over an ink smooshed panel that will show through the openings from the leaves.

 I used several green inks for this smooshing and splattered some gold around it as well.

I have added several taller leaf shapes clustered together and cut in white and silver as well as parchment  and they are added to two larger banner shapes cut in parchment.

They leaves sit under the sentiment banner which is offset with parchment and raised with foam pads on the front of the card. 

The finished size is DL and I have dotted tiny gemstones around the panel for effect.

The end result is very pretty and is another example of what you can do with those tiny fiddly dies that seem a bit useless.

 Try this idea with any small dies that you have as it is another way to create an aperture in your designs  and back it with pretty paper or make your own from Ink smooshing, Gelli plate papers or any technique that you may like to try.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx 

June 13, 2024

Inlaid Die Technique

 Hi Everybody,

I like the look of these inlaid dies but I didn't have any in my stash, and so I took another look at the dies that I have and picked out all the small ones that I never use.

Once I thought about it I decided to give this idea a try and see what I came up with, and I have to say that I quite like the end result.

For this card I used all the tiny butterflies I could find and arranged them on my panel to die cut.

Adding in the pierced dots was an extra step that blended them all together. You can add as many of these pierce  lines as you would like and if you keep the pencil lines feint then they can be erased afterwards.

For this one I picked out all the tiny hearts and arranged them on a landscape card base.

The card in the video is done with stars but look carefully at any dies that you have and see what would suit the idea.

Try leaves or small flowers, tiny envelopes, banners or tags, or any of the basic shapes like circles and ovals. 

There is just time for a relaxing cuppa as you watch the video and the be sure to let me know if you give this idea a try for your self.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx