Beautiful Card Designs Made Easy

Showing posts with label Winner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Winner. Show all posts

March 23, 2025

Doris Shawcross - Winner

 Hi Everybody, 

It has been lovely here all week until today ….. and now it’s raining. Typical weekend weather !!

Thankfully we went for a long walk yesterday and so today it will be a little trip to the park in between the rain showers. Taking long walks doesn’t do my hips and knees any good though so I take them very carefully.

Oh the joys of getting older !!

The draw for the die sentiment has been done and the name today is …

Doris Shawcross

,would you please let me have your postal address to

and I will get the gift in the post to you straight away. Please be sure to let me know that it has arrived with you safely, and I hope you have fun with it on. Your designs in the future.

Bye for now …

Hugs xx

March 16, 2025

Connie Griffin - Winner

 Hi Everybody,

It is so nice when the sun shines and the weather has been really kind just lately.
Ruby (Cocker Spaniel) and I have had some good walks in the woods or on the beach and often with Dougal (Cockerpoo).
They love being together and they chase and play a lot. 

The draw for the Chloe's die set has been done and the name today is

Connie Griffin
would you please send me your postal address to
and I will get it in the post for you.

Be sure to let me know when you get it and I hope you get a lot of use out of it in the future.

Bye for now ...

Hugs xx

March 09, 2025

Sue Cockerham - Winner

Hi Everybody, 

The weather has been so kind for the past few days and Vickie took me out to lunch on my actual birthday whcih was Thursday.

 We went to Lytham Hall and it is such a good walk for the dogs. It wasn't muddy and Ruby and Dougal had a really good time running around,  we really enjoyed it too.

Then it was off to the restaurant in there and we had lunch which was delicious.

So with all this food for lunch and dinner out on Friday plus we all met again at Griffs youngest daughters house for a chippy tea on Saturday, I have said good bye to the diet. 

But I have done the draw for the lovely Feathered Friends die set and the name this week is ...

Sue Cockerham

Would you let me have your postal address please so that I can get the pack posted to you.

Be sure to let me know that you have it safely and I hope you make some beautiful cards with it all year round.

Bye for now ...

Hugs xx

March 02, 2025

Ita Tighe - Winner

Hi Everybody,

Well at least it is dry and fine here for now, if maybe a little cold and Ruby and I will be out later today.
We have had some good walks in the past few days and she loves going out in the fresh air.

I have done the draw earlier today and the name this week for the beautiful Altnew Die & Stamp set is 

Ita Tighe
would you email me your postal address please to
and I will get it posted to you straight away.

I hope you have fun with the set and be sure to let me know that you have it safely at the same email address.

Bye for now ...

Hugs xx 

February 23, 2025

Denise Bryant - Winner

 Hi Everybody,

Ruby and I set off the other day to go for a walk to St Annes, while it was dry and fine. 
We dropped some stuff off at the charity shop on the way there and by the time we got to St Annes it was that very fine drizzle.
Still  undeterred we set off for our walk along the sea front and onto the beach, and by the time we got half way round it poured down and we both got soaked.

Neither of us was having a good time so we came back to the car and then home again.
We looked like drowned rats the pair of us. 

We had the game with the towel as I tried to dry her off, she likes to steal it and run away with it, but eventually she was dry.
Then I had to go and get changed out of my wet clothes before we could settle down for the rest of the day. I lit the log burner and that always makes me feel cozy. 
So much for our nice walk !!!

The draw has been done for the beautiful paper pack that was on offer and this time the name is
Denise Bryant

Would you send me your postal address please to
and I will post if off to you straight away.

I hope you enjoy playing with it as it really is a lovely pack, and please be sure to let me know that you have it safely.

Bye for now ...

Hugs xx

February 16, 2025

Winifred Kennedy - Winner

 Hi Everybody,

This has been a traumatic weekend as my eldest daughter's dog has been very sick and needed an emergency operation last night to find out what was wrong.  Today she ... Lottie is back at home and recovering from her ordeal. Lottie is  a two year old, little French Bulldog and understandably my daughter has been worried sick about her.  Hopefully we have turned the corner now.

I have done the draw for the pretty Spring Birds pack and the name this week ...

Winifred Kennedy

would you please send me your postal address to
and it will be on it's way to you..

Would you let me know that you have it safely and I hope you get lots of fun out of the pack. 

Bye for now ...

Hugs xx

February 09, 2025

Michele Coffey - Winner

 Hi Everybody,

The weather is so changeable at present, the other day it was like a real spring day and today it is cold damp and miserable.  It will only be a short walk for Ruby and if it rains then we won't be going out at all. I am a fair weather walker only but Ruby will go out in anything .

Thank you for all the lovely comments you have left me this week and I hope you are all well.

The draw has been done early and the name this week is

Michele Coffey

Would you please send me your postal address to
and I will get it posted to you straight away.

I would be happy if you could let me know when it arrives with you and I hope you enjoy
 playing with it. 

Bye for now ...

Hugs xx

January 26, 2025

Sue Pollock - Winner

 Hi Everybody,

I hope you have all come through this storm unscathed. I have no structural damage done at all and so I feel very lucky. But I have seen peoples dustbins flying up the road and lots of plant pots that have been blown about. And apparently it is not finished yet so stay safe wherever you are. 

Thank you for the comments that have been added this week to the blog and also for taking part in the draw. And many thanks also for adding your full names. This makes it so much easier to trace the correct winner and send the prize to them. 

One of the things I add is that you please let me know when the pack arrives with you.
Over the Christmas break I had two people contact me about their prizes. 

One said she had just received hers from an October win and the other one said that she had NOT got hers at all. I asked the second person to be patient with the Christmas post and happily she emailed me again to say it arrived.
So all was well that ended well !!! 

If your prize does get lost I can do something about it  and though it may not be the same thing it will be something crafty that you can use.

For this week the name is 

Sue Pollock

please send your postal address to
and I will get it in the post to you straight away.
Please be sure to let me know when it arrives with you.

Bye for now ...

Hugs xx

January 19, 2025

Christi Neal - Winner

Hi Everybody,

It's cold but at least it's not snow or ice here and it us safe underfoot and to drive in.
I am happy to say that after her visit to the vet  Ruby has responded will to her treatment and her ears are now much clearer than they were. 
I have to keep up with the medication until it is all gone but she doesn't need to return to the vet again and so that is a worry off my mind.

The draw for the beautiful heart from John Next Door is now done the the name this week is 

Christi Neal
so if you would email me your postal address please to
then I will get it in the post to your this combing week. 

Be sure to let me know that you have it safely and I hip you get lots of fun playing with it.

Bye for now ...

Hugs xx

January 12, 2025

Mags Wilkie - Winner

 Hi Everybody,

Sorry for my absence during the week but I have been busy getting my house back in order.
The new suite looks lovely and is so comfortable for me to get out of and helps my knees a lot.
I also bought two new rugs to go in the rooms and they also fit in very well. So now I am sorted.

I am sorry to say though that my Ruby has not been well. She has had a painful ear infection and had to go the vet last Friday. They gave her some antibiotic ear drops. 

There are certain medications she cannot have because of her Cushing's but hopefully these will help her feel better soon.
Apparently Cocker Spaniels get ear infections because of the their long and floppy ears and the moist conditions inside them.

The draw for the Birthday die set has been done and the winner this week is

Mags Wilkie
would you email your postal address please to
and I will get it in the post to you straight away.

Thank you for leaving regular comments on the blog,  it is much appreciated.

Bye for now ...

Hugs xx

January 05, 2025

Christine Cloutier - Winner

 Hi Everybody,

We have some snow ... but it is the wet mushy kind and it won't stick around for long.
Neither Ruby or Ella will go out in it and they scurry back inside where it's warm.
Can't say I blame them though as it's much better inside  ... and looking at it through the window.

I am starting the new year off with a new sofa and chair. The one I have is too low and too deep and once I get in there, with my dodgy knees,  I can't get up again.
So I have gone for one that is higher and shallower and hope that does the trick.

My old sofa has gone and the young man next door moved it for me this morning. The new one comes on Tuesday which will give me time to get the room ready.
The only problem is that Ruby used to sit on the back of the old one, to bark at the world, and she wont be able to do that with the new one.

The draw for the Sunflowers has been done and the name this week is
Christine Cloutier
Thank you for the comments you have left on the blog and if you send me your postal address please to
I will get the pack in the post to you straight away.

Now that the Christmas rush is over all packages should have been received by now, and thank you to those of you who let me know that you have them safely. 

Bye for now ...

Hugs xx

December 29, 2024

Bejay Roles - Winner

 Hi Everybody,

Thank you to those people who sent me a Christmas card it was very kind of you and they where displayed on top of my tv cabinet for all to see
 And now it's all over and done with for another year and I am ready to move on.
I hope you enjoyed your Christmas, if only for the break.
 I know it is not everybody's best time of the year but hopefully you are now ready to craft forward into the new year.

The draw has been done and this week and the winner is

Bejay Roles

Thank you Bejay for making the effort to leave me your comments and I hope that Ben is ok after his feast with the sea moss gummies.

My family and I went out for our Christmas dinner and took Ruby and Dougal with us and they were as good as gold. The meal was awful but the dogs were good. That is two Christmases on the run now that have been ruined by bad hotels and bad service, and this one cost us £85 per head.

Anyway if you would send me your postal address please to
I will get it posted to you straight away. 

Bye for now ...

Hugs xx

December 15, 2024

Anne Owens - Winner

 Hi Everybody,

Thank you to those who have left me a comment this week both here on the blog and on YouTube.
It is very much appreciated and I look forward to reading them everyday,

It is cold and damp here but we will be going out later for a short walk. 
But fir now the draw for Fridays freebie ahs been done and the name today is

Anne Owens

so would you send me your postal address please to
and I will ger it sent off to you straight away.

Be sure to let me know that you have it safely and I hope you enjoy playing with it when it arrives.

Bye for now ...

Hugs xx

December 08, 2024

Ann Topp - Winner

 Hi Everybody,

I am trying really hard to bring the numbers of subscribers up on both my blog and YouTube as for some reason the numbers are not rising.

 I have admitted in the past that it us very disheartening for all those publishers who work hard to add videos or posts and they do not get any response. And I am not the only one who mentions this fact.

On my Blog I have noticed, for quite some time now, that people are only leaving a comment when it is the Friday Freebie and at no other time and I feel that that is a little unfair on those that  do visit  on a regular basis. and leave me me a comment 

This is why I have said that I will give up blogging.

 But for now  I am going to try something different and that is that I will check back through the comments for the previous weeks and see what names are there and also for the Friday post,  and I am only going to add those names to the draw for the free gift.

This means that those who leave me a regular comment on my posts will see their names appearing more often as the winners on a Friday.

And this is another reason why you should leave your FULL NAME with your comment,  as some that show up are anonymous

My first one is named today and I am so grateful to these regular visitors and commenters. 

 Ann Topp

This week is for you Ann for all your support, and this is my way of saying a big thanks to you.

Please send me your postal address and I will get the pack in the post to you straight away.


December 01, 2024

Carole Eaton - Winner

Hi Everybody,

Well it is sunny here but cold and damp and we will be going out later as long as the rain stays away.
Not long to Christmas no but at least this Birthday die takes away some of the ideas around that time.
I am sure that the winner will enjoy playing with this one when it arrives with them.

There are lots of idea inside the magazine for you to try and the draw has ow been done.

The winner thus week is ...

Carole Eaton

and so if you could send me your postal address I will get it posted to you straight away.

Be sure to let me know that you have it safely

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

November 24, 2024

Marie Alder - Winner

Hi Everybody,

I hope you are all managing to weather this storm. We have been snuggled up in a warm house and watched the wind and the rain lash down. I have no plans to go anywhere until it is passed by and it is safe to go out again.  Ruby will sulk but she will have to grin and bear it until at least the wind and rain has stopped.

In the meantime I have done the draw for the lovely Rose die that was on offer with Die Cutting Essentials, and the name this week is ...

Maria Alder.

So if you would email me your postal address please to
I will get it in the post to you straight away.

Be sure to let me know when you have it safely and I hope you enjoy playing with it.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

November 10, 2024

Sue Pollock - Winner

Hi Everybody,

Today it is dull damp and windy, and not the weather to go walking but if it brightens up later then Ruby will be in for a treat.  I am a fair weather walker and would much rather stay in by the log burner and keep warm, just toasting my toes.

Can I ask you all please to leave me comments when you visit the blog and check if you are still subscribed. And also check to see if you are subscribed on YouTube as YT seems to be unsubscribing people without their knowledge.

I am not the only one noticing this as other publishers have noticed that their numbers are falling even though they are adding regular content to their channel. It is very worrying and really disheartening too to see numbers going down.

 Please help wherever you can by giving the video a thumbs up, leaving a comment and subscribing ... or checking that you are still subscribed.
 Every little helps to grow the channel . Thank you xxx

In the meantime the draw has been done and the name this week is

Sue Pollock

Would you email me please with your postal address to
and I will get it in the post to your straight away.

I hope you enoy the gift and please be sure to let me know that you have it safely.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

November 03, 2024

Anne Owens - Winner

 Hi Everybody,

Another week closer to Christmas and I am fed up of making Christmas Cards already. It is not my favourite time of year and it seems to go on for ever.
 I went to the supermarket a week ago and in one aisle there was Halloween stuff and as soon as I turned the corner there was Christmas and it was still only October      

Christmas is fine for children but it comes in December not September, October or November.

I had a lovely email from Kathy Olsen.  She is a lady who lost her home a couple of years ago in Hurricane Ian She has since suffered through two more hurricanes and after two years she is still not back in her home. She lost everything and all her craft stuff was looted.

She contacted me via her smart phone but she no longer has a computer.
She explained that this is why she cannot leave me a comment any more. 
I asked you all to pray for her two years ago and I am asking you again.

Keep Kathy in your thoughts as she struggle on to get her home back

I have done the draw for the lovely butterflies  and this week the name is

Anne Owens

Please email me your postal address Anne to
and I will get it in the post to you straight away.

Be sure t et me know that you have it safely.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx


October 27, 2024

Betty McAlister - Winner

 Hi Everybody,

It is getting colder now and the nights are drawing in again. It is time to turn the clocks back again and enter into our winter. I am still waiting for summer to arrive as it seems to have been a really dismal one this year.

But on a good note another Friday Freebie has been drawn and the lucky winner of the fabulous sentiments dies on offer this week is ...

Betty McAlister

This is such a good addition to anyone's crafting stash  and will come in very handy as it covers many occasions for you. 

Would you email me please with your postal address to 
I will get it in the post to you straight away.

Please let me know when you get it and I hope you have fun playing with it.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

October 20, 2024

Mags Wilkie - Winner

 Hi Everybody,

Ruby and I have been out for a good walk yesterday because of the  predicted storm Ashley that was due to hit the UK Saturday and Sunday. We have got some logs in as well to get the burner going and we will be all warm and cosy while the winds howl away outside.
Ella will curl up in front of the fire as she loves the warmth of it.
I hope you are have battened down your hatches as the wind is predicted to be quite rough.

In the meantime the draw has been done for the beautiful flower dies from Lisa Horton and there are some papers and toppers that you can download to go with the dies.
So you should have some fun playing with these.

The name today is...

Mags Wilkie

and  if you would send me your postal address I will send them to you straight away.
I hope you enjoy the gift and please be sure to let me know that you have it ok.

Have fun 

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx