Don't you just love getting a Twofer whenever you are card making. And in case you don't know what that is it means two cards for the price of one.!!!
These two card where just such an event and yet they look totally different.
Each uses the same dies and embossing folder. The same inks and both are 5x7" cards with the fold at the top
So let me tell you what I did to get these looks.
First I created the base cards and a white mat to go on top.
For this white mat I inked up the debossed side of my embossing folder and ran it through the machine to add the pink spots to my card panel.
(This Spotty Embossing Folder is one that will be in a new collection coming soon, and I love it)
I used the upper and lower case from the Alphabet sets and cut out the word YOU into the centre of this panel and put the actual spotty words to one side. Add this to the base card
Cut the same word several times from white card and stack them up. I coloured the top letters with pink ink.
The flowers and leaves where stamped and cut lots of times to give me as many as I needed, and some of them I coloured with markers. The others I placed to one side for now.
I added the coloured word into the cut out word on my panel and arranged the flower and leaves around it and to the centre of the flowers I added small wooden buttons, and dotted the rest of the panel with pink pearls
I added Glossy Accents to the word YOU and left it over night to dry
For this card I embossed my spotty panel and added it to some black card and then onto my base card.
These flowers have been coloured with an ordinary pencil and I used a paper stump to smooth it out. They have been added to the embossed layer with glue and foam pads
The spotty letters have been layered onto more white ones to add dimension and added to the top of the flowers.
I dotted some black pearls around this cards and the little red heart just adds the finishing touch.
The little sub sentiments for both cards are from Altenews Label Love
I really love the look of both of these cards and there was no waste from making them either.
So a win win situation
More tomorrow ...
Hugs xx