Hi Everybody,
Here we are on our last trip out on this wonderful holiday to my "Film Crews" homeland.
Wales is beautiful and green and if you haven't been to visit then you are missing a real treat.
And it you are lucky enough to live here then you are truly blessed.
So today we are in another Castle but this ... in comparison to the others is a modern day building.
This one has wonderful rooms for you to view and see where the rich and regal stood, dined and slept on their visits to this place.
It is huge and has over 300 rooms ... not all open to the public I might add or you would be inside for months.
It is all kept very dark to prevent the sunlight form fading the colours even more ... and some of the colours would have been very vibrant in their hey day.
It is still very luxurious though and some of the paintings must be priceless.
This is the library and it would fit all my house inside it ... and just take a look at that ceiling ... it is so intricate and inlaid with the gold.He couldn't afford to get crafters block working on something like that. He would have had to get his MoJo back pretty quick ....
The close up shows you the fine detail work that has gone into this masterpiece.
And the stone carving is everywhere inside this beautiful Castle.
The staircases are very wide and ornate and made from stone that was brought in from distant places around the country.
This corridor has Welsh Slate on the floor and it is lit by windows on both sides.
The area is very bright as there are no colours to fade and it is so cool.
It looks as if the corridor goes on for a long way ... but that is actually a vary large mirror at the top that reflects the light back
in to the corridor.
The dining room is set out precisely as it was when Royalty came to dinner ...
And to get an invitation to sit at this table meant you ranked with the big boys and had the wealth needed to be there.
This was one area of the huge kitchens and all this is under renovation.
This is the Butlers Pantry and has other rooms running off it.
The cook had her own sitting room to relax in when she wasn't cooking copious amounts of food.
And this is the massive Kitchen .... I would get lost in here just looking for the cooker.
Those window are huge and let in so much light but the work must have been hard and endless in a house this size.
Wandering round makes you think about Downton Abbey and what it must have been like for the wealthy Aristocrats of the day.
So there you have my final visit and now I am back home and need to get back to work.
I have enjoyed my holiday and thank you for staying with me and the photos.
Thank you for all your comments both here and on Facebook and I am glad that you enjoyed my trip.
More tomorrow ...
Hugs xx