Hi Everyone,
It's me Ruby and I haven't been to talk to you all for a little while but a lot has happened in my life in the past year.
I was born on the 17th August 2016 and this is me at nine weeks old ... now you must admit that I am rather cute and my dad decided to call me Ruby.
I have been so happy here and grown up into a really rather special dog. Well my mum tells me that I am.
I have a very special friend too called Dougal and he is only two weeks older than me and he is a Cockapoo.
We love playing together and we spend al lot of time with each other. He is bigger than me BUT I am the boss and he always lets me win whatever we do.
Well nearly always !!
This is me in my new jacket getting ready to go for my first walk, after having all my injections.
I was only 12 weeks old here and so excited to be going out into the big wide world.
There are a lot of scary things out there, but my mum and dad took care of me and I really enjoyed myself.
Now as I am older I love going for walks. and I sit and stare at my mum to make her feel guilty, so that she takes me out
This is Dougal and me all dressed up and ready for our very first Christmas. I have wings on but you cant' see them in this photo.
Then after that came our fist birthday and we had doggy cake between us.It was lovely and we ate it all.
I love Dougal and he is such good fun to be with whenever we go out.
And each week we both go to Doggy Day Care and we love our "Aunty" Sally who takes care of us while our mums are working.
Now this is me at One Year Old and haven't I grown up into a beautiful puppy.
This is the look I give my mum that makes her feel guilty to take me out. It never fails and she always gives in ... even if it's raining a little.
I haven't seen snow yet but I would like to, and then I can run around and roll in it and see how it feels.
So maybe this winter we will get a little bit and then I can tell you how it feels to me.

This is Dougal and I at
two years old. Isn't he such a handsome boy
We both go to the groomers regularly to have a bath and a haircut that keep us neat and tidy
I like having a bath and I love going swimming and will take that chance whenever I can.
And that brings us up to present day, Here I am just turned three years old on the 17th August and I look so pretty.
I have lots of fun with my family and Dougal and I went on the walk up Snowdon with them all last weekend.
Today I am going for my first lesson at agility training, and that will be another adventure that I can share with you later.
My mum will have to run around with me as I am taught what to do. But when I went for trial run it was lovely and I enjoyed it very much.
I was tired and hungry when we had finished but I can't wait to go again
I will be back to tell you all about it
See you soon
Love Ruby xxx