Beautiful Card Designs Made Easy

June 01, 2024

Ruby Update ….

 Hi Everybody,

Thank you for all the comments and concern for Ruby 

who has been one very sick little dog.

This time last week she was fighting for her life and diagnosed as having severe pancreatitis. She was in the Veterinary Hospital in Manchester for four days and had  all sorts of treatments.

They said she could come home on Monday and she has a feeding tube in her neck. Here she is lying on the sofa with the bandage around her neck and her tummy looks very swollen.

She has been on a specialist diet since I bought her home and will need to be on this for at least a year. 

I cannot exercise her as yet.  She has been back to see a new vet and they removed the tube from her neck last Friday. I changed vets as soon as I could and I have written to complain about the treatment she received with the old vet.

She needs to be watched carefully especially in what she eats and as they put it she is “dietary indiscreet” which basically means  ….. your dog is a dustbin and will eat any thing it can find.

And that is definitely my Ruby, she vacuums that area looking for food, you would think she is starved.

But for now she is home and starting the long road to complete recovery even if it is with life.long medication.

More tomorrow…

Hugs xx

May 31, 2024

Friday Freebie - Pack 2

 Hi Everybody,

Here is another chance to win one of the bundles that I am offering to you and they is a lot of goodies in each one.

They will certainly help you to build up your own collections and are especially beneficial if you are new to cardmaking with limited supplies.

So if this is something that you would like to have then all you need to do is leave me a comment at he end of this post to be in with a chance.

 Please add your FULL NAME then it is easier to identify the winner.

Be sure to come back over the weekend to see if it is your name that is shown as the winner.

Good Luck Everybody.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

May 26, 2024

Lin Duke - Winner

 Hi Everybody,

The vet hospital has just rung me with Ruby’s progress and she has been comfortable overnight.  She is still on a drip and painkillers and her temperature went up over night but has gone back to normal this morning. She is still being fed through the peg but is no worse than she was. They are managing to walk her outside for the toilet. And they have found out that she snores …… loudly.

Ruby will be kept in the hospital overnight and they will call me agin later with another update.  Thank you everybody for your messages and prayers. 

So the draw has been done for the bundle on offer and the name this week is

Lin Duke

Would you email me please with your postal address and I will get the pack in the post to you straight away.

I am sorry to say that last weeks prize has not been claimed and so will be offered again at a later date. 

I ask you every week to check over the weekend to see if your name is shown as I have no way to contact you and I am stuck if you don’t ….. but is is your loss.

More tomorrow….

Hugs xx

May 25, 2024

Ruby Update

Hi Everybody,

This has been a dreadful week for me as my beautiful Ruby is dangerously ill and is in hospital fighting for her life at present. 

She already has Cushing's Disease and is on life long medication for that. but she started to be be poorly on Monday.

 Lethargic, vomiting, panting and very restless. I took her to the vets and they gave her an injection to stop the sickness and antibiotics and sent her home.

She stayed quiet and lethargic and on Thursday I took her back as she was a lot worse.
They admitted her and did blood tests and put her on a drip as she was dehydrated.
They did other tests and told me she was a very sick dog and in a lot of pain with pancreatitis.

And then they told me to pick her up at 6.50 !!!!! What ?????
 My dog is desperately ill and you are sending her home.  My daughters came with me and it took us ten minutes to drive home from the vets and in that short drive home Ruby collapsed.

She had been on a drip all day and they took it out to send her home.  I rang back immediately to tell them what state she was in and was told it was now out of hours.  I couldn't believe it ... my dog is dying and I don't know what to do. 

They gave me an out of hours number (A&E animal surgery)  to ring in Bispham and they at that surgery told me to take her straight in. She was very very sick and everybody was worried and scared for her. 

Bispham A&E kept her overnight and did scans and X-Rays on her as well as more blood tests, and confirmed she has severe pancreatitis and is very very sick.

From there we took her to the Animal Hospital in Manchester and that is where she is at present.
 Poor Ruby has had to have many more tests and treatment. Scans, X-Rays,  drips, samples taken from her and monitored very carefully. 

They have told me she is anaemic as the pancreas is bleeding internally. She is on strong painkillers and is sedated. They have inserted a feeding peg through her neck into her stomach as she is not eating.
I am praying that she will be ok and that I will have her back home again soon.

Please keep her in your thoughts and pray she will pull through this as she is not yet eight.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

May 24, 2024

Friday Freebie - Pack 1 (More Bundles)

Hi Everybody,

Over the next three weeks I have yet more super bundled to give away and although the contents of each one are different.

They will al contain a Simon Hurley stamp, a couple of embossing folders, an ephemera pack from RSPB and a couple more stamp sets with amusing characters on them.

This us the first of those bundles and if this s one that you would like then all you need to do is leave me a comment at the end of this post with your
  Full Name

From those comments one name will be chosen as the winner and announced in a blog post over the weekend so please be sure to come back and check if it is your name that is shown.

You will have 72 hours in which to claim it and in the event that it is not claimed then it will be offered again at a later date.

At present I am happy to send them to you wherever you live,  but if I find that postage is very expensive going abroad then I may have to limit it to the UK only.
But I will be sure to let you know what I am doing.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx