Beautiful Card Designs Made Easy

June 05, 2024

Bee Card

Hi Everybody,
This card has used an old die that was free with a magazine many years ago. I still have the set of dies, stamps and a folder and I have used elements from that.

The background has been ink smooshed  I added a light stamped circle pattern to the top. The pink flower was cut from the same splattered card.

The little bee die was in the set and I cut them in yellow and then added them to some brown card and fussy cut around the image.

The other flowers for this card are  cut in white and silver mirror card and cut with older Spellbinders dies.

The honey comb pattern is a die that cuts the pattern out of the card and for this I have simply stuck it back in place.

I have no idea where it is from as I have had it years.

Another pretty background that enhances the card itself and the finished size is a 5x7

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

June 04, 2024

Thank You Cards

 Hi Everybody,

Ruby and I have sent these cards to the people who cared for her while she was very sick last weekend .

One will go to the emergency A&E Vet Hospital in Bispham who took her in straight away for treatment when I rushed her there .

 Without them my Ruby would have died of that I have no doubt.

Their quick treatment saved her life so that we will be able to go walking again together once she is fully recovered. 

The other is to the "Vets Now Hospital" in Manchester who took her in for specialised procedures and treated her for four days for severe pancreatitis.

To both of these I am eternally grateful for what they did and because of their intervention I still have my beautiful dog.

The butterflies signify new life and new beginnings and Ruby has a second chance now to enjoy her time.

She will never be a healthy dog due to the Cushing's Disease that she already was diagnosed with two years ago now.

But at least she can sniff about and bark at the postman and snore on my videos as she lies in her bed. 

Thanks to everybody for all your messages and your concern and I will be sure to keep you updated on her progress.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

June 03, 2024

Smooshed Backgrounds

 Hi Everybody,   

For these two cards I took one sheet of A4 card and Ink Smooshed over the background. I tried to keep each side of it a little different .

I cut it into two separate pieces and and on  this one I splattered it with silver ink and cut a large die cut shape to fit over the top.

It is a really old Spellbinders die and probably not available any more but keeps in with me using up all the older stuff that I have in my craft room. 

The flowers are cut from the same piece of card and the leaves are from my Rose Flourish die set and cut in pale blue mirror card. Each flower has a pearl in the centre

The sentiment is from one of my own older stamp and die sets.

This card has been splattered with black and white and has some black text stamped over it also.

There is a die cut in the card from an old magazine freebie and I used silver mirror card to cut the other elements.

The butterfly is cut in parchment and splattered card and layered together. 

I cut the sentiment from mirror card, parchment and the white Happy Birthday and layered them all together, and dotted pearls around as a finishing touch.

Both are very pretty, vibrant  Birthday cards done with ink smooshing to produce a different kind of  look, and I hope you like them both.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

June 02, 2024

Carole Eaton - Winner

 Hi Everybody,

It is a gorgeous day here. Ruby is out in the garden with Ella (the cat) sunning them selves while they can. We cant go walking so I will potter in the garden too later, though I only have a postage size garden to work in. Most of my plants are in pots and getting really large after being re potted earlier this year.

The draw has been done for the bundle on offer and the name this week is 

Carole Eaton

would you send me your postal address please to
and I will get it posted off to you straight away.

Be sure to let me know that you have it safely and I will include one of my Pokey Tools in the pack.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx 

June 01, 2024

Ruby Update ….

 Hi Everybody,

Thank you for all the comments and concern for Ruby 

who has been one very sick little dog.

This time last week she was fighting for her life and diagnosed as having severe pancreatitis. She was in the Veterinary Hospital in Manchester for four days and had  all sorts of treatments.

They said she could come home on Monday and she has a feeding tube in her neck. Here she is lying on the sofa with the bandage around her neck and her tummy looks very swollen.

She has been on a specialist diet since I bought her home and will need to be on this for at least a year. 

I cannot exercise her as yet.  She has been back to see a new vet and they removed the tube from her neck last Friday. I changed vets as soon as I could and I have written to complain about the treatment she received with the old vet.

She needs to be watched carefully especially in what she eats and as they put it she is “dietary indiscreet” which basically means  ….. your dog is a dustbin and will eat any thing it can find.

And that is definitely my Ruby, she vacuums that area looking for food, you would think she is starved.

But for now she is home and starting the long road to complete recovery even if it is with life.long medication.

More tomorrow…

Hugs xx