Beautiful Card Designs Made Easy

January 02, 2017

To Start the year ...

Hi Everybody,

The first card of the New Year is created with Tonic Studios Toy Plane and this is perfect for the small boys who have a Birthday coming up.

It is part of the Rococo ranges and these are a delight to design with.

Over the coming weeks I will show you some of the others that are in this collection and how they can be adapted to suit any age group or occasion

For this one I cut the plane out twice once in Blue the other in Yellow and paper pieced them together to make the two tone plane. I removed the top section of it and added in Glossy Accents to represent the cockpit.

The propellers are cut from Silver card and added in to the space and the sentiment is stamped and embossed onto the card.

The clouds are created by hand with Distress Inks and the little flying birds are simply drawn in at the end

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

January 01, 2017

Seasons Giving Blog Hop ...

Hi Everybody,

Happy New Year to each and every one of you and to start this off to a really good year I am taking part in the Seasons Giving Blog Hop. This is the fifth year and I have taken part in this for the last three.
It is my way to say a big "Thank You" to everyone who visits my blog and leaves me a lovely comment  ... and then returns time after time.

So I am giving away some pretty "Goodies" of things that I like to use regularly on my own designs.

In this pack there are 2 packs of flowers, with 5 assorted packs of white pearl bling.

I have also added some Guipure lace so that you can create a lovely card for that special someone.

And all you need to do is join the group of followers and then leave me a comment to let me know that you have visited

A winner will be chosen from the comments and announced on Friday 6th January and I am happy to send the gift wherever you are

Enjoy the hop and many of them are also having a "Give Away" and they would love for you to leave them a comment too.  There are some really talented bloggers for you to visit and thanks again for being one of my lovely followers. 

Lawn Fawn
                         Christina Griffiths  You are here ...
Ceal Pritchett

I hope you enjoy your trip around the blogs and I will see you again tomorrow ....

Hugs xx

December 30, 2016

New car ....

Hi Everybody,

No card post today but I have been busy just the same. Since we have Ruby it is difficult trying to get her into the back of a two door car. And so we decided it was time to change it for one that was a little more dog friendly.

Griff  has been looking for a few weeks now for something to exchange for our Peugeot 307 CC and has eventually found a Ford Focus that fits the bill. Today we have been to Liverpool to collect it and I had to say a fond farewell to my lovely blue convertible. I have had that car for ten years and it was much loved for the excellent service it has given me.

The new car is silver and if it is as good as the other then I will be happy. We took Ruby with us and she settled better in the Ford than she did in the Peugeot. And for being so good all morning we took her on the beach this afternoon and let her off the lead to run free.

She loves it and there was no one else out there but us. It was very cold but Ruby ran up and down the beach chasing her ball .... ears flapping in the wind. She has now run out of steam and is conked out on the sofa having a snooze.

More tomorrow...

Hugs xx

December 29, 2016

DCE - Build A Rose Die Set

Hi Everybody,

Here we are again with another sneaky peak at next weeks Die Cutting Essentials magazine and the freebie that will be with it. 

This will be issue 19 and the free die is called Build A Rose.

In the video I have tried to show some of my ideas for this die set 

It will be "Live" on my YouTubeChannel today for you to view and I hope that you enjoy it.  I have tried to keep the ideas easy to follow

The magazine will be on sale 5th January in selected supermarkets and craft stores and also at WHSmiths.

You can order it direct or take out a magazine subscription at

There are some fabulous free gifts coming in the future with all the magazines that I cover.

So why not choose your favorite and settle down when it comes through the letterbox for a good read each month... and always be sure to get the gift that goes with it

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

December 28, 2016

Water Colour Wednesday-Mother-To-Be

Hi Everybody,

Todays card is for  the ladies in waiting in your group of friends and it is from the pen of Mo's Digital Pencil 

You can chose to make this image with any shade of skin that you like as there is an Ethnic image also and it is a quick and easy one to colour

Add in a caption to suit your recipient and you have a really appropriate card

The backing paper I have used is from a paper pad that I bought from the Poundland shop and there are some really pretty patterns in the pad

Well worth a pound of anybodies money.

I have coloured this image with Spectrum Noir pens so strictly speaking not really a water colour but I am allowed to cheat once in a while ....

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

December 27, 2016

Tuesday Tutorial - Botanical Flutters+Tag

Hi Everybody,

Just a quick and easy card for todays tutorial as I am sure that many of you are not in cardmaking mode over the holiday season.... too many others things to be doing.  So this is using just two sets of dies and one embossing folder to create this pretty card for any occasion
Spellbinders Supplies:
Other Supplies:
To create the card base simply fold an A4 sheet of  cream card in half along the short side and then cut in half to give you two cards.
Cut a smaller panel in turquoise to leave a small border around the edge.
Cut another slightly smaller panel in cream and emboss this
Cut the parts of the die that you wish to add to your card.
I used the two butterfly pieces and the bird
Add small foam pads in strategic places to the back of these pieces
Using the loops on the butterfly pieces link them together
Stamp and heat emboss your sentiment and cut one of the tags
Add foam pads to the back of this for dimension
Add the tag to the embossed panel and add in the looped butterfly pieces along the bottom edge.
Place the bird at the top of the tag
Add all this to the turquoise panel and then add to the base card
It creates a card with just a little dimension that will fit into a standard envelope

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

December 26, 2016

Video Collaboration ...

Hi Everybody,

Today I have a new video on YouTube and this one is done in collaboration with Christine Smith of  Crafti Potential.

Christina and I are on the design team for Craft Stash and so we had some of the same products to work with.

We chose Spellbinders Tranquil Moments and the stamps from the magazine freebie Winter Wonderland that I featured in a video last month.

Christines style is modern and quirky and I love some of the cards she produces. My style is flowers, ribbons and pearls and we couldn't be further apart if we tried

So I hope you will pop over to her blog and have a look around ... tell her Christina sent you and she will be delighted to have you visit.

Here are the videos for you to view ....

If you would like to subscribe to our channels then you will be sure never to miss a new video that we add regularly and please let us know if you enjoyed this collaboration and maybe we can do some more in the New Year

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas ...

Hi Everyone,

It's me Ruby just popping in to wish everyone a really Merry Christmas and an extra good New Year. This is my first Christmas and my mum has some lovely things wrapped up for me to open later

Yesterday I went to the groomers and had my hair done and my nails clipped and don't I look pretty in my Angel Wings. I have never been to a groomers before and it was really good fun especially when my friend Dougal came in too.

Dougal came to my house to play too for Christmas Eve and then later we were both tired after all that running around so I settled down for a sleep.

I may have big Spaniel ears but you know they do come in handy sometimes when a girl needs forty winks  in all those fluffy cushions

So I will catch up with you again in the New Year and tell you more of my adventures as I grow up in my new and happy home

Bye for now

Hugs xx

December 24, 2016

Shabby Chic Tags Winners ...

Hi Everybody,

Sorry for the delay in posting but it has been a bit of a hectic day.  But now everything is sorted and I am ready to relax for a couple of days. I hope you are all ready for the holidays and looking forward to special times with family and friends.

The draw for the tags has been done and the three winners are ...

Pearl Hudson
Jennie the Crafty Wife
Ann Lauzon

Please email me your postal addresses to
and the tags will be on their way to you

I hope you will all like them and please let me know when they arrive with you.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

December 23, 2016

Friday Freebie 150

Hi Everybody,

So this is the last Friday Freebie for this year and as a special gift I am giving away all of these floral tags to three lucky winners 

I cannot guarantee which colour you will get but they are all really lovely and I don't think you will be disappointed with any of them  
They are all created using the same ingredients !!
So if you would like to win ONE of these then all you need to do is leave me a comment at the end of the post and from those comments three names will be chosen and tomorrow they will be in the blog post.

You may not get them in time for Christmas especially if you are outside the UK  but they will fit a summer theme later in the New Year.

If you add your name then you need to come back and check if yours is  one of those listed and then email me your postal address within 72 hours.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

December 22, 2016

Magazine Freebies ...

Hi Everybody,

This months magazines are about to reach the shelves and here is a sneaky peak of two that will be available to buy on the 29th December.

Simply Cards and Papercrafts has a really useful embossing folder and stamp set for you to use and this one is called Birds Of A Feather

The images on the stamp sheet can be coloured any way you prefer and the combinations you can come up with will ring the changes for many occasions.

I have water coloured mine with Gansai Tambi and added it to a Spellbinders Scalloped circle.

The second magazine is Creative Stamping 38 with an A4 stamp sheet that is fabulous.

It will keep you going all year round and on the back of the packet there are more ideas for you to copy.

Whatever The Weather is the name of the stamp sheet and the video and there are more ideas for you there too

I am sorry about the sound of my voice but as you know I have recently had a chest infection and my voice is very croaky

Never the less I hope you enjoy my offerings and will look forward to getting the free gifts with your own  magazines

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

December 21, 2016

Water Colour Wednesday-Tantrum !!

Hi Everybody,

This little girl having a tantrum always reminds me of my Grand Daughter.

I love the way she kicks the parcel in temper and the look on her face is priceless.

It would suit so many stroppy kids that you will always be able to find a use for this image with a different caption underneath 

It is from Lily of the Valley and I have had it a ling long time and I have coloured it many times in other mediums, but this one is done with water colours.

I kept the colours soft with just a hint of shadow around the character

The finished card is only A2 so it will fit into a standard sized envelope and there is no depth to it either

Apart from the time taken to colour it, it is ready quickly and one I am sure you will enjoy playing with

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

December 20, 2016

Tuesday Tutorial - Botanical Medallion

Hi Everybody,

This die is part of the large 6" square set called Botanical Medallion but I have used just die #2 to get my card. We sometimes forget that the smaller dies can be used individually and still create a really good focal point.
Spellbinders Supplies:
Other Supplies:
With die #8 from Matting Basics A cut two panels in cream and create the base card.
With die #8 from Matting Basics B cut another panel in pink
(Die #1 is always the smallest)
Add texture to the pink layer by embossing in any folder that you have.
With die #2 from Botanical Medallion cut it four times in cream and ink through the die with pink ink before removing the card from the die
Add small pieces of foam pads to the floral part of each piece
Add these evenly spaced to the embossed layer and wrap the middle with pink ribbon.
Use foam tape to add this to the base card with the fold at the top
Stamp with Versamark and heat emboss in white a sentiment of your choice
Cut to size and trim one end into a banner shape
Glue the bow in place and add the flowers twined with pearl string to the centre
Tuck the sentiment into the flowers and sprinkle them with glitter

A card for any occasion just alter the sentiment and the colours.
More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

December 19, 2016

Cassandras Garden from Tonic

Hi Everybody,

This pretty card is created with the Tonic Studios die set called Cassandras Garden  and it is one of the Flip Flop Easel Frame collection

It produces a really good size die cut for the front of your cards and the six dies in the set can be used in various ways as the title would suggest

Here I have teamed it with pink and white and used some beautiful Guipure Lace from Wild Orchid Crafts lace along the bottom

The sentiment is also from Tonic and is the Best Wishes  which fits the front panel perfectly

 I have cut in silver glitter card which is available in assorted packs of ten sheets from Craft Stash

The die does all the work for you and the card is really quick and easy to put together.

Have a play and use it in some of the other ways it is intended for.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

December 18, 2016

Ruby Update ...

Hello Everyone,

S'me Ruby again today and I am now four months old and growing all the time

Here I am with my lead on ready to go for a walk

I love to go for walks especially on the beach but when I get home again my mum has to wash me when  my feet get really dirty ... coz I like to dig.

This is the bowl that I am still big enough to fit into and this is good to practise digging in and it makes a lovely sound too

When I get out of the water I like to have a good shake and get everybody else wet too and my mum has a big fluffy towel that she wraps me in to get me dry and cosy again

But if I hang onto one corner of the towel while my mum tries to dry me I get all tangled up in it and it is so much fun trying to get out again.

I can roll around and make my mum and dad laugh as I growl at the towel
I like to go shopping too and I always make sure that my mum has all the shopping bags she needs

I get inside and count them for her and 
"Yes Mum there are three in here .... "

Then I drag them all over the hall so that she has to collect them all up again.

I love being a puppy and I have so much fun 

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx