Beautiful Card Designs Made Easy

March 22, 2015

Pretty in Green

Click to Enlarge
Hi Everybody,

Now this is a color I don't use very often but I was asked the other day to give some ideas for cards  using green

The card I have used here is from the Celebrations Range with Spellbinders and this shade is called Pixie Play

There are lots of items in this range from the card to embossing folders,  stamps and dies that match them

The floral paper underneath was very bright and so I have subdued it with Parchment and added it with eyelets in each corner.

I used an embossing folder on the parchment before adding it to the card

The diamante around the edge  and the flourish are from Want2Scrap

The white and green flowers are from Wild Orchid Crafts  and they have been sparkled with Glitter Magic  Chameleon glitter.  The little white dove is also from WOC

The ribbon was in my "Stash" and the dazzler over the knot is part of a Primark bracelet that I took apart.  I am happy with the result and as the card I used is 12 x 12 I have managed to get two cards from the one sheet

This sentiment was free with   Simply Cards and Papercrafts   and it is one of the most useful phrases in my collection and it is one I have used often since I got it.  I love the script it's in too

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

March 21, 2015

Winner is ...

Hi Everybody,

Isn't this a beautiful day .... I know it's on the cold side but the sun is shining and it feels really pleasant.

After a lovely relaxing morning I now have a winner for the yellow card that was offered yesterday and the name drawn from the hat is ...

Bill Ali 
would you email me your postal address please to
and I will get the card in the post to you straight away.
I hope that you will like it and please let me know when it arrives with you.

So now I have a lovely casserole cooking in the slow cooker and I am off to have coffee with my youngest daughter 

More tomorrow...

Hugs xx

March 20, 2015

Friday Freebie 051

Hi Everybody,

This pretty yellow card is the one up for grabs today and this uses the Quatrefoil Background

It is one of those dies that I don't know where you will get it from now. I have tried to find it for you but no luck.

But obviously as new items come onto the market the old ones are replaced and then it becomes difficult to find the dies you want

If this is a card that you would like to win then all you need to do is join the group of followers.

Just leave your name in the "Join This Site" box to your left and then leave me a comment

A name will be chosen in the morning and the winner announced during the day.

Then you have 48 hours to claim the card by sending me your postal address to

The flowers on this card are from Wild Orchid Crafts  and the satin ribbon is from Mei Flower  making a really pretty card

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

March 19, 2015

Card Class Ladies

Hi Everybody,

In last weeks card class my two ladies made these very pretty cards and as  usual they went for completely different color schemes

Mary chose the pink and Brenda went for the more demure coffee and cream

Both cards are made in the Hinged Card Style   and both have flowers, ribbons and pearls to dress them up.

Both have used dies from Spellbinders  Laced with Love Collection

Mary has chosen  Lonely Hearts  for her card with the Sentiments One  added to the bottom. She has done it in pink and white and added flowers of the same color.

Brenda has chosen   Interlocking Love for her card with Sentiments Three   added to the panels and she has chosen cream with Kraft card for hers.

The flowers and the bows dazzlers  are from Wild Orchid Crafts  and the  ribbons are from Mei Flower

I think ladies have made really lovely cards and they went home happy after another successful class

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

March 18, 2015

Friendship Card in Turquoise ...

Hi Everybody,

Here is the last of the group of Friendship Cards I made for Vickie to give to her friends

This was a special request from my daughter so that she can show her friends that she appreciates them.

Over the last few weeks I have shown you each one.

Although they are all the same  Hinged style with flowers, ribbons and pearls on them I have used different dies so that they are not the same.

For this one I have used Gold Labels Four  and I like the effect of the layering on this card

It just goes to show that not many dies are needed to create a lovely card.

This is just one die but the result is one that you can be really pleased with.

And just to remind you of the boxes each card was in here they are.

They all make a good gift and not just a card and the boxes make them extra special.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx