Beautiful Card Designs Made Easy

November 28, 2012

Help me win...

The company that I build my website with is based in Canada and they are currently running a competition.  They are called Site Build It (SBI) and they are amazing. 

 Everything I could possibly need to build Card Making Magic  is right there at my fingertips 

To win the competition  I have to say in only six words just what SBI  means to me. And that is the easy part because if it wasn't for them ... and the help I have had in my adventure into websites ... I would not have been able to give up my day job last November.

So my six words are ..... SBI meant to me ......

"Freedom! from going out to work" 

and for that alone I will be eternally grateful.  But now I am shamelessly asking you to help me win by adding your vote to the list.
All you need to do is click the link below and add your vote to my submission.

Hugs xx

Hanging around...

As you know I joined the Design Team for   Paper Creators  last month and this is one of the images available to buy.

This is  a Sassy Sally image called "Just Hanging Around"

The link will take you to Debbies' Blog for other ideas ... and  this is the link to the
 Paper Creators Shop.

There you can see many more pre-coloured, delightful characters for you to use on your cards.

For this card I have used blue backing paper and under the image a paper doily. The butterflies are "Monarch Butterfly"  from a punch by Martha Stewart.

The little gems and the bow are from my stash and I have added silver corners. The sentiment is a peel off and I must admit that I don't use peel offs very often on my cards.

But there you have a really simple card that is quick and easy to make.

Hugs xx

November 27, 2012

Get Well Card....

This may be over the top for a Get Well Soon card but it sure made me laugh.

This is an image I rediscovered over the weekend to use for colouring tutorials.

This is on the CD "The Next Big Thing"  from   Just Inklined  

It has been coloured with Grey and a touch of Blue to create the shadows on the bandages and it was so very easy to do.

The whole thing was created using the Spectrum Noir pens that are brought to you by Crafters Companion.

The background behind the image and the backing papers will be covered over the next few videos and they will be with you shortly.

And can I just say thank you to all the comments that you have left over my silly mistake with the Cabbage ...   Glad you had a laugh at that one.

 But the funny thing was when I showed it to Griff and said  " Fancy adding a cabbage to the front of a card .... it's not very inspiring is it?"   He said "No it does seem a strange thing to have"

Then I went  ahead and made it into a card...  and it wasn't until later that I had the "Light Bulb Moment" of Ping .....It's not a cabbage but a rose that I started to laugh.

And when I told Griff what I was laughing at he said  "I knew it was" ..... Yea!!  course he did ... talk about back peddling.

 Hugs xx

November 26, 2012

Can you believe this ????

Over the weekend I have gone through a lot of CD's that I have ... looking for images to colour in that I can use in my Colour Class Tutorials.

I found this one ... and don't ask me why ... but for some reason  I thought it was a Cabbage. 

And so I thought it would be a good one to practise using the green pens with.

 I coloured it  ...  taking great care with it and this is the result ....

I said to Griff ... "It's a bit un-inspring to add a Cabbage to the front of a card" and he agreed.

But when I looked at it again I just bursted out laughing .

How stupid can one be ..... and Yes you can have a laught at my expense ... because it's not a Cabbage at all .....

IT'S A ROSE ....

What  a Plonker!! ....  and I can just see you nodding at that ..... I know Griff thought I was.
 So I coloured another one in the appropriate colours this time and it looks much better.
Hugs xx

November 23, 2012

House Cleaning Day ...

Today I have  prepared my house ready for a  dinner party that we are hosting  tomorrow night.

I have cleaned and  polished and now  everywhere is like a new pin.  Our guests will be staying over till Sunday so bedrooms and breakfast also have to be prepared

The 3 course menu is all decided on and  we are having  Beef in a Red Wine Sauce  ... easy peasy!! ..... The slow cooker will be doing the work ... not me!

But as it is a get together of old friends then the important part is the chat and the laughter that I know we will share.

My  "Film Crew"  will play his part and keep everybody  topped up with wine and  refreshements and of course the  music is his  department too.

But in the  process of cleaning look  what I did to my  vacuum cleaner ....

I shoved it  about that hard and fast I broke the handle.

It split all  along the side  and fell off.

But being the ever resourceful and the  ..... "never throw anything away"   kind of crafter I fixed it ... well sort of!!
I stuck the blighter back on with masking tape to hold it in place.

And now it works a treat and I got the rest of the vacumming done .... No Problem!!

Who's a clever girl then ?????
Hugs xx