Beautiful Card Designs Made Easy

March 05, 2025

Made For Me

Made by Vicki L Phillips
 Hi Everybody,

Tomorrow is my birthday and I will be 77. 
I can't believe that and I really don't know where the years have gone.

It doesn't seem but a few years ago that my children were small and being taken to school. 

Now they have kids of their own and I have grandchildren and even great grandchildren.

I also can't believe that it is almost seven years since Griff died.  Time goes so quickly. 

I wanted to share this card with you that has been made for me by Vicki Phillips who is one of my regular readers and leaves me lovely comments too.

Vicki  has added a note to the inside of the card and it was a lovely surprise to receive it.

So THANK YOU very much Vicki for thinking of me and it stands proud in my lounge on top of my TV cabinet and I really hope you don't mind me sharing it here. 

Tomorrow I have a video for you and it is revisiting an old technique,  I shared years ago  on YouTube, so I hope you will enjoy it and maybe give it a try for yourself. Let me know your thoughts on the cards.

Bye for now ...

Hugs xx


  1. What a lovely surprise to receive a pretty card from one of your followers. Hope you have a wonderful birthday. Joyce Jennings x

  2. Happy Birthday Christina.
    Hope you will receive more surprises.
    Wishing you many more years with a healthy body to keep doing what you love.
    Christine Cloutier xxx

  3. Happy birthday for tomorrow hope you have a great day. Love Vicki’s card - looks elegant and I love the colour mix. Janet Boyne

  4. OMG!!! This is quite an honor to share my card. I've followed you for years and love your videos and techniques. Have a wonderful Birthday Celebration and I'm sure your Griff is sending wishes as well. Take care and stay safe. Vicki L Phillips.

  5. Good Morning Christina and all that visit today. Ohhhh Christina I wish I had known it was your birthday. I wish you all the loveliest of days and special little gifts for you to cherish. I will mark this down so I will be ready for next year. And can I say what a lovely card from Vicki. It looks very regal and so fitting for our queen of Card Making Magic. I have been very busy this last week ... After watching your videos of use what you have. I needed some quick cards for the line dancers. So I found a set that I never hardly used and with l this and left over desk finds I made some really nice cards for them so thank you again for everything I have learned ..
    Have a lovely day tomorrow Christina.
    Sending hugs 🤗 and best wishes to everyone. Please stay safe and well 🙏.
    Kind regards Ann Toppcards in Leeds.

  6. Happy Birthday Christina.
    Best wishes for a wonderful day.

  7. Good morning Christina, what a lovely surprise it must have been to receive Vicki’s beautiful card! It’s amazing the way time flies as we get older, isn’t it? I’m a year older than you, so I know 😂.
    Hugs, Maggie Coleman xx

  8. I really wish I had known it was your birthday tomorrow as I would have loved to have sent you a card Christina, I can't believe where the time goes I will be 72 this year but still feel about 40 in my head 😅
    Well I hope you have a wonderful birthday tomorrow 🎂
    Love Sue xx

  9. Hi Christina and a very nice Happy Birthday for tomorrow . A pretty card from Vicky. Uplifting with that pretty yellow and white.
    Yes time do fly . It's our 32 anniversary and it seems like it was yesterday. Going out for dinner tonight. Always nice when you don't have to cook one night 🤗x


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