Beautiful Card Designs Made Easy

March 24, 2025

Shabby Chic Lilac Card

 Hi Everybody,

When I used to make shabby chic cards on a regular basis they always  went down very well and I really enjoyed adding all the bits and pieces to them.

But then deadlines and concepts took over and I had to do other things which took time. and attention

But now that I have retired from all that I can go back to making this type of card again and I really hope you still like them as much.

This is one that I have filmed and it is the Lilac Card.

I have not added a sentiment to this card as it really could be for any reason at all, but I will add more shabby chic cards and add them for an occasion.

Shabby Chic Lilac Card 

I hope you enjoy the video and will leave me a comment and a thumbs up on YouTube.
And I hope you will come back and visit me again for another Shabby Chic Creation.

Bye for now ...

Hugs xx


  1. Beautiful card Christina, so much detail. Enjoyed video. Great idea using cardboard to elevate. Joyce Jennings x

  2. Hi Christina, what a beautiful creation ~ I’d be tempted to frame it if it were mine.Enjoy creating!
    Hugs, Maggie Coleman xx

  3. I am so happy that you will go back to make some more Shabby Chic cards again. This style never go old. They are my favourite.
    Christine Cloutier xxx

  4. A lovely video Christina, love everything about this card, so pretty. Love Anne Owens ❤️

  5. Hi Christina. A wonderful card. Love to see your shabby chic cards again and this is a beautiful one 💕 x

  6. Love the Shabby chic cards, this style doesn’t out date. When I give one it is so much appreciated. The colours are glorious. Love it

  7. This is gorgeous! I don't think this style of card is ever dated!
    Sharon Brand

  8. Oh it is gorgeous with all it's pretty flowers and dimension!!

  9. That card is absolutely gorgeous!

  10. Lovely card, definitely your signature style.

    Michele .

  11. Very pretty layering with the die cut piece and flowers!

  12. I watched this vid again--I do remember this card from the 1st time around, it's just a WOW kind of card Christine!! Lovely and that German glitter, it's simply amazing. I don't imagine I will find that here but maybe something similar. deborah in TN USA

  13. Beautiful floral theme card in lilac. Looking forward to your other floral theme, I love anything florals!
    Heaney H


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