This was my first glimpse of the ship ... taken as we where waiting to check in our luggage, and then on to park the car.
The next time we would see our cases was later in the day when they where delivered outside our cabin door.
The ship was huge and we were so excited to be going on this cruise holiday around the Mediterranean.
It was due to sail at 4.30pm, but we went on board at 12 noon... and so as the ship was quiet we went around her decks to explore and take some photos.
We had a TV and a bathroom and a lovely balcony that we wanted so that we could see each new port we visited as we sailed in.
It was good dry weather the day we sailed and we joined the sail away party as we left Southampton.
Hopefully none of this will be needed but we had to have a go to make sure we got it right.... and we joined the drill to abandon the ship in the event of an accident.
There are 14 decks on this ship and as soon as we came out of a lift I was lost.
Fortunatley Griff has a good sense of direction or we could have spent the next two weeks wondering around trying to find our cabin or the dining room again.
This was looking from our cabin door along one side of the corridor ... to give you some idea of the size.. and the same distance ran the other way as well.
I will show you some more of the inside of the ship in my next post as we had two days sailing before reaching the first port of call.
Hugs xx