Thank you for all your lovely comments both about the holiday snaps and the new FF card. It seems that many of you like blue.
But there can only be one winner of this particular card and that is you .....
Thelma Welch
I need you to send me your postal address as soon as you can so that I can get the card in the post to you straight away. Email me ...
You will have 48 hours to claim it so please do so as the last card was not claimed, and it is such a shame when other people would like to win it too.
Some Answers ...
In the comments was one from Ann Lauzon and she asked me about a tutorial that I did on how to make your images look as if part of it is outside the die that you have used.It is on the Spectrum Noir Blog page and here is the link for you ... Thinking Outside the Box the video is further down the page so scroll and you will find it. I hope that is the one you meant.
To Marilyn who travels two hours to go to a card class at JGD Crafts each week ... I will be there on September 13th as Janet has invited me down to do a Spectrum Noir workshop for her ladies and maybe you will be there too.
To the lady who wanted to know how to make the pearl sprays that I have in some of my cards ... there is a video on the way to show you and it will be with you soon.
And to someone else who asked me how do I emboss card using a die without it cutting out the whole card ... again a video is on the way to show that technique too.
I was hoping to get them done this week but to be honest although my blog posts have been going out regularly I have been quite poorly this week with a really bad chest infection.
But once I get back to speed all these things will be with you and I will of course add them to the blog once they are done
More tomorrow ...
Hugs xx