Beautiful Card Designs Made Easy

July 15, 2012

Tip for pen tops...

Since the videos have been added for the Spectrum Noir pens I have had many emails about them.

But one of the things I said in the video was about my disapointment with the numbers wearing off the pen tops very quickly, and so making it awkward to identify the pen at a later time.

Well the problems has been solved by a lady who watches my videos  and she sent in this very simple tip to stop that from happening.
She suggested that when you buy the pens ... and before you start to use them ... coat the top of each one with some kind of laquer.  And so I raided my cosmetics and found some clear nail polish and set to work doing just what she had said.

I covered both ends to every pen that I had ... and then I did the same thing along the barrel of  some pencils that I needed to keep the colour groups on. 

It took a little whitle to dry but once it was I then had the perfect preservation for all my Spectrum Noir Pens.

So thank you to Miriam for this wonderful tip and it is one that I am sure many many people will follow as well. 

Hugs xx

July 14, 2012

Spectrum Noir Pale Skin ...

Click to Enlarge
So yesterday saw the introduction of these pens and today we will get started with colouring in a pale complexion.

I will cover other skin types over the course of these videos and I will only be using the pens that are in the six pen collections.

For this one I have used the Skin Tones and the video will show you which of the set in particular.

When you are colouring in you may think it does not look correct but you will need to allow the alcohol to evaporate for the final result.

So don't throw anything away until it is all finished and even then you will be able to salvage some part of the the image that you are not happy with.

But remember that the more you practise the better you will get.... and I  am retired so I get lots of time to practise

And now here is the video for  Pale Skin   and it doesn't matter if you are using a different character from your own collection.

If you want to follow on with me then keep your chosen stamped or digital image safe and we will continue with the hair in the next video.

Hugs xx

July 13, 2012

Spectrum Noir Introduction

Here is the first of the promised videos and this one will introduce the pens to those that are new to them.
They are an alcohol based colouring system that has many good point in it's favour.

They are more affordable than some of the other pens on the market and that has got to be something to be considered for us crafters.

They are refillable and the nibs are replaceable too so that's another plus point.

The video is availble on the website and here is the link.....Spectrum Noir Introduction 

I have another one ready to add tomorrow and that will cover skin tones.... and bit by bit I will cover different coloured skins, hair colours, clothes, transparency, creating back grounds and making embellishmnets fit the colour scheme.

Hope you will enjoy them

Hugs xx

July 12, 2012

I'm being lazy ...

Since we got back from Canada we have been very lazy. Griff says it is jet lag and that he feels his will last about three months....  No chance !!

So today I have been busy preparing everything I need for the new videos I want to do and tomorrow it is back to work with a vengence.  So my "Film Crew" will have to get his hat on again and get up his ladder.

This is some of my  Spectrum Noir pens and some of the paper that I use to colour on.... which is a  160gsm Text and Graphic  card from   Staples         
This will be the start of a set of videos showing how I use them.   I do not pretend to be an artist ... this is just the way I make these pens work for me.
I have had several emails asking about them and so I thought that a video or two would be the best way forward rather than answer the questions individually

So tomorrow I will introduce the pen system and explain some of the things about them to those that are new to alcohol marker pens.

These are some of the cards that have been made using this system and hopefully ....  fingers crossed ....  you will enjoy the videos and find them useful to you in your own colouring.

Click the photos for an enlarged view.

The images are from   Mo's Digital Pencil  ... Lili of the Valley   and   Just Inklined  ... and all make the most adorable cards.

The "Bling" as always is from Want2Scrap and has been added to the Elephant card.

Hugs xx

July 11, 2012

Babies, babies everywhere.

Since I discovered these beautiful images from   Mo's Digital Pencil   I have had so much fun colouring them in.

I have used Spectrum  Noir pens  throughout the process and they are available from Crafters Companion

Here are some that I have coloured in using the same image but I love the way they have turned out...and although the image is the same one the effect is different each time... and I will be adding these to cards as I need them

This baby was featured in a card a few posts ago and has been coloured with Spectrum Noir pens....

Clicking the photo will give you a larger image so that you can see the different effect on each one.

I used the palest in the turquoise set and outlined it all with a pale beige.

I just love the sofness of these images and they are perfect for new baby cards or a first birthday.

My Great Grand daughter will be getting one of these on her first birthday in October.

This one has been coloured with pale greens and the effect on the dress is created with the pens.
And this one is in a pale Lilac with a Polka dot dress and this is my favorite colour scheme.
Such a delightful image deserves your best shot at colouring it in and making it into the prettieset card you can.

Hugs xx