Beautiful Card Designs Made Easy

January 03, 2013

Another way to use ...

Hi Everybody...

I told you the story about the late Spellbinders I have only just got ...  and of course it is far too late to use the Holiday Tree on my Christmas cards.

Not to be outdone I have used it anyway.

I am always encouraging you to think outside the use for which a die is intended and this one is no different.

So I have cut it out .....
... and the turned it on it's side and added it to the corner of the card.

I then trimmed the edges to fit and glued it in place.

Click the photos .... it makes them bigger

I have added in a double layer of Gingham and some Organza ribbon and a  Gingham bow.

The tiny red rose in the centre is from
Wild Orchid Crafts.

My topper is a stamp from Crafters Companion
coloured with Spectrum Noir Pens.

Not bad eh ???

Hugs xx

January 02, 2013

Colouring with Green

Hi Everybody ...

Yesterday saw my "Film Crew" up his ladder filming the latest video in the Colour Class Series.

This fabulous Dragon is from the Just Inklined CD  "The Next Big Thing"

There are some really good images on the CD but if you click the link it will take you to their website where you can buy the  images individually.

For this tutorial I have used the six pen set and the Colour Class Greens will show you how I coloured him in.

The links to the others in the series are in the right hand column on the website,  and each will open a new window for you to view.

Once he is coloured you can decorate the card any way you wish.

The background on both cards is finished with Clouds ... and the short video will show you how to get the look for yourself.

I have added in  colour coordinated flowers from Wild Orchid Crafts

The sentiment is from Lili of the Valley

The branches are using the Spellbinders Cherry Blossom set.

And my beautiful "Bling" is from Want2Scrap

Hugs xx

January 01, 2013

Happy New Year ....

Welcome to 2013...
Hi Everybody
Here we are with the start of a brand new year and I hope that you all get what you want from life.  I wish you all happiness and health,  as they are the two most important things you can have.
I am starting the New Year with Thanks to all you lovely people who come onto my Blog pages and leave me comments on a regular basis. 
Do you know that the Blog will be ONE Year old in February? 

A big Thank You also to  the visitors to my website ... that means so much to me as the website is the thing that helped me to give up going out to work.
Card Making Magic
 has been my baby now for almost four years and it just gets better and better.
It is all thanks to YOU ... you are what make it all worthwhile and I love it when you tell me that you are enjoying what I try to do.  There are many more things to come in this New Year .... in fact today my "Film Crew" and I are going to be doing another in the Spectrum Noir Colour Class Series.
This one will be with Greens so get your pens at the ready for the next tutorial.... and if you have the CD from Just Inklined "The Next Big Thing"  I will be using one of the digital Dragon Images for my project.
I am so glad that you liked the Dress forms and the Hats.  I love them and so do all the girls in my family ... they all want one!!  And a little note on the Dress Forms.... the SHAKER PEGS that I have used in the top of the form to hold the hat are from B&Q and you will find them in the Builders Department for building a staircase. There are 10 in a box for about £6 ... hope that helps you to find them.
Thanks also for ALL the support I have had ... both here on the Blog, and in emails, and on Facebook with regards my Rant yesterday. It would seem that many of you also have complaints about other big companies.
It has been suggested that I go direct to PayPal as that was my method of paying.   I did do that but because the order and payment were older than 45 days they could not help. So how does that leave many folks who have bought stuff online with a Pre-order.

How do you get your money back if you can't get your goods and PayPal can't help. It seems very unfair to me, and  people cannot afford to loose money in that way.
PayPal did suggest though that I took my complaint direct to my own bank and see if they could help.
But at the moment I will wait and see if they send me the correct Spellbinder.  Because I have now had all the dies .... ordered last July ... even though the last part of the delivery was wrong.
I will keep you posted.  I am always happy to tell you of companies I find that are good to deal with. But by the same token I will also tell you of those that are not.
Happy Crafting ...
Hugs xx

December 31, 2012

Rant No: 2

Hi Everybody,

Some time ago I had a rant on these pages over a credit card and you all sent me lots of sympathy.  Well ...  this is rant No. 2 and it starts in July 2012.   

Let me start at the beginning. 

In July I spent a lot of money,  paid by PayPal,  and ordered Spellbinders from an American company called

Because  they were  Pre-Orders I knew  I would have to wait a  few weeks for  them... and I was happy to do that.

I waited and waited and nothing arrived ...  I started to send them emails about where my order was.... and to cut a very long story short ... after a lot of emails from me trying to prove my order, and replies from them with a lot of excuses  ... I started to get the dies in dribs and drabs.

But by the end on November I was still several Spellbinders missing from my order.   Just to recap I ordered them in July....  but by October they were ignoring my emails ... and I was getting very very mad.

I wrote again stating my disappointment in their company  and asking them not to ignore my email, and of course where are my Spellbinders.  I stated repeatably which of the dies are missing from the order, and which of the dies they had already sent to me.

Well this morning I got a parcel from Scrap-Mart ..... and would you believe it with one set of dies completely  the wrong one.

I ordered and paid,  for among many others, the Holiday Tree to make some Christmas cards with for this year,  and the Grand Decorative Circles. 

I have the Holiday Tree ... far too late for this years cards ...  and instead of the Circles they have sent me the Ovals  ... which I already have ... from them as part of the original order.

I am so very disappointed that a company of this size, that I have dealt with many times in the past, can let me down  and treat their customers so badly in the service metered out that I would say to you do not buy your Spellbinders from Scrap-Mart if you live in the UK.

I have again today emailed them my annoyance and I will keep you posted as to the result.

Here endeth the Rant ....

Hugs xx

December 30, 2012

Beautiful Miniature Hats

Hi Everybody,
Yesterday I added the Video Tutorial to create the dress forms and today I am adding another to create the  Dress Form Hat 

This easy to make hat will compliment the mannequines and make them a far prettier gift for your friends and family.

To get the circles I have used Spellbinders but you can make them with any method that you have to hand.

The Dress Froms with the stand are from IndigoBlu

The instructions are all in the video and it is not a long one ... but I am sure that you will really love the end product.

This pink one is my favorite and I have added it to the mannequin that I am keeping for my self.

But I have been inundated with requests for these ...  I could start a business just making them to sell.

Any way I hope you will enjoy making them for yourself and please add your photos to the
Card Making Magic
Gallery Page

That way you will create your own web page on my website that you can send your friends and family to visit

And the more you add the more pages you will create.

Share all your  beautiful creations with the world.
Hugs xx
