Beautiful Card Designs Made Easy

January 07, 2013

The Giveaway....

This is important regarding the Give Away

The draw for the Grand Decorative Ovals grows every time I look at it ... and now stands at 225 

I  very  stupidly   have made it run until the end of the month instead of for one WEEK 

Apologies for my mistake ... but I honestly did not think it would get the response that it has.
I will know better next time and not make it as long.

Anyway I was wondering  if you would like me to end it sooner and get it sent out ...  and then maybe add another one in the middle of January instead.

I will leave this question open until the end of this week (Saturday) and if you are happy with that suggestion     you don't need to do anything.... and no news is good news as they say, and if your name is already on the list then your chance  to win is safe.

But if you are really opposed to this then you have up till Saturday to let me know.
 Other wise  a winner will be picked on Sunday 13th January 

 Hugs xx

Fierce Dragon

Hi Everybody,

Many,  many years ago I used to go to a pottery class and I thoroughly enjoyed it. 
It was a way to meet people and we made some lovely stuff.
Once it had been fired we could then paint our item  to our own taste,  and once dry we could take them home.

This was piece I made back then and this was long before I learned the finer points of colouring.

But I loved this Dragon and he sat on my shelf for many a long year.

Then he became outdated and sadly he was  relegated to the loft and he was ensconced in a cardboard box for many more years

And then .... Griff made the loft in to my craft room, and he was found ...among years of hoarded stuff ... still wrapped in paper ... in his box.

He was carefully removed and washed and buffed up to his finest again.

I find that I still love him even is he is dated and a little chipped in places.

So now once again despite having a broken tail,   he is allowed to sit on the shelf in my craft room ... and look as fierce as ever.

Thank you ... for all your concern over Griff falling off his bike
 ( even if you did laugh, and I bet you did...)

 But he really is OK... not even a bruise to show for it.

In fact today he has been out on his bike again complete with helmet and gloves.

As he pedaled up the street two teenage lads shouted after him 
"Whip it up Grandad... it'll go faster...."

And once again I fell about laughing.  Bless him ...

If you are looking for the Giveaway here it is for you to  add your name to the list for the

Hugs xx

January 06, 2013

Picture this ...

My "Film Crew" ... in his retirement ... has decided that he is going to keep fit,  and so he has taken to riding his bike again.

He dons his helmet and his fingerless  "Go Faster" gloves and cycles his way around the streets.

Now we have a lane that runs behind the house that has security gates at each end and they have to be opened and closed each time.

Am I setting the scene for you with this story ???

Well Griff ... without getting off his bike ...  opened it and wheeled his way through .... then still on his bike he tried to pull it closed  behind him as he went.

But his back wheel got caught in the gate spokes and ... as he tried to pedal away  ...... He Fell Off !!

He didn't even have time to put his foot back down to save himself and so the bike just went sideways.... and so did he.

At that moment in time a lady with her children and dog walked past.

And the dog decided to cock it's leg up on the lamppost ... and so they all  had a good view.  

He hurriedly picked himself up and started fiddling with the bike.   "Chains ...." he muttered as he smiled sweetly at her.

 The kids laughed and when he told me so did I

I  had vision of the woman saying to her husband ... "I've just seen a  poor owd man fall off his bike..."

 He's not hurt I hasten to add  ... just his ego is a little dented.

The link for the   Grand Decorative Cicle    is stiil open till the end of the month

Hugs xx

January 05, 2013

I am so excited......

Hi Everybody,

As you know I have been busy adding colouring tutorials with the Spectrum Noir Pen system

The videos  have been  featured,  all of them,  on the Spectrum Noir Blog.

The link is to the latest addition to the series,  but the most exciting news was that it prompted this email.

I received  this last evening  from Jennie Black who is the director of education for Spectrum Noir and this is what she wrote .....


I am totally thrilled with the video that is on the website today.  I would like to have you part of our teacher accreditation program, and approve you as Spectrum Noir Accredited Instructor,  as well as your Accredited Colorist Status. 

You have shown outstanding teaching skills, and we would be proud for you to hold this title.

In addition, I would be honored if you would allow me to show your video at our upcoming instructor meeting that we are holding next week.

I am thrilled with your work and so happy you are willing to share it with the world.

Jennie Black

Director of Education,  Spectrum Noir

Isn't that just the best compliment any body could get and I am absolutely thrilled.  I read it out to  Griff last night with laughter and tears at the same time.  I can't believe it ....I just wish I could be at their meeting but alas it is in America.   But what a buzz it gave me last night I can't tell you how I feel.

Now onto other things... if you are wanting to enter the draw for the Spellbinders then you have to go here ....Grand Decorative Circles   and add your name to the list .... but only once please as duplicates will be removed to keep it fair to everybody.
I believe that there have been some problems with adding your links .... well I have been onto InLinkz and they have told me how to sort it ...... so it's sorted.... I hope.

Please let me know if there are any further problems.... email me ... and you don't need to have a Blog either, just leave the URL box blank

Another thing is that people think they can't enter if they live in Germany or America.  Please add your names ... you have as much chance as anybody else and I will be delighted to send you the dies wherever you live.

Coming Soon ...

My "Film Crew" is busy at the moment in the garage creating a wonderful surprise for all of you and it is something that I will be giving away to one lucky winner... and I know you will all want one when I do.  

Hugs xx

Don't forget to add our name to the Linky to win the   Grand Decorative Circles

January 04, 2013

Another "Freebie" for you...

Hi  Everybody,

This is the continuing saga of the wrong Spellbinders from Scrap-Mart.

They have given me an apology and offered me a voucher to spend in their shop.... and told me to keep the dies.

So because I now have two sets of the same dies I am offering you the chance this month to win the extra set.

The Grand Decorative Ovals   produce  quite a large oval ... which can be used to create the whole card shape or used to add matting and layering effects to your designs.

It is a set well worth having and the offer will run throughout January ... so if you would like to be the winner then add your name to the box.  The same rule applies as the last give away and that is no duplicate entries please.

If you add your name more than once it will be removed to keep it fair to everybody.  And if you are new to the Blog and wanted to become a follower then that would be very nice too.

Leave me a comment and let me know that you have entered or what you think of the blog itself.

If you don't have a blog it is not a problem  ... just leave the URL BOX BLANK  ... but please leave your name.

Good Luck 
