Beautiful Card Designs Made Easy

September 13, 2019

Friday Freebie - Piece by Piece

Hi Everybody,

Today's gift is this fun little Jig Saw Die Set called Piece by Piece.  It's not a big jigsaw but it is cute to add to your cards.

I store mine on a small piece of magnetic sheet so that I don't lose any of the pieces that are in the set.

The video Piece by Piece will show you some of the fun ways that I have used it to make bright and cheerful cards 

If you would like to have this set then all you need to do is leave me a comment at the end of the post with your FULL NAME please.

One name will be chosen from those comments so be sure to come back and check

Please Note

If you have followed my blog for some time then you will know that my husband Griff was a very proud Welshman and one of the things that he wanted to do this summer was walk up Snowdon with Ruby our Cocker Spaniel

Sadly he died last November but this weekend, as a family we are all going to Wales to attempt that walk in his memory. There will be the combined families and five dogs so wish us luck. 

The draw won't  be done now until next week and I won't be contactable for a few days. No mobile phone connection and no WiFi. Please don't worry if your comments are not showing as I cannot moderate them and add them. 
But they will be done fully before the draw is done ... giving you a little extra time to enter if you wanted this gift and giving everybody a fair chance 
 PLEASE DO NOT add your comment more than once just because it hasn't shown up

Hugs xx


  1. I wish you well with your walk. My uncle lived in Wales, and he often mentioned Snowdon - it sounds like a good walk. Take Care.

  2. WOW! This is an amazing die set. Love what you did with all the cards in the video.
    Enjoy your walk with the family and all 5 dogs.

  3. Have a wonderful time with family in Wales as you remember happy times. I love the idea of a jigsaw inspired card and your looks lovely. I will watch the video later as I need to attend to chores first. love Lyn Nash

  4. Lovely card & a great giveaway.

    Michele Coffey

  5. This is a lovely set Christina, thanks for the chance to win it : )

    Jenny Hurley

  6. Hope the walk goes well, I'm sure it will be a very emotional time for you. Would love to go into the hat for this useful looking die set
    Jane Willis

  7. Good Morning Christina. What a lovely thing to do in memory of your husband....and to do it as a family is lovely thing. I am sure he will be with you all in spirit pushing you along. I think it is a lovely thing to do. Good luck to you all. Sending hugs and best wishes to everyone. Kind regards Ann Toppcards Leeds.

  8. What a lovely idea!Snowdon is beautiful.Have a great weekend.
    Keeping my fingers crossed for this week's offer. xxxx

  9. Fabulous prize Christina. And what a fabulous thing to do in memory of Griff. I think the weather is going to be kind to you and I'm sure Griff will be looking down on you all, keeping you safe. Have a lovely weekend. Gilly Hubbard

  10. Good luck to you one and all with your mission, I am sure you will all have a great time and enjoy it as a family....Griff will be looking down on you all and willing you all on, in his memory. I think it is a most wonderful idea, no doubt the dogs will love it too. Enjoy your time away, we will miss you, but we all need a break sometime and good that there is no computer link too. Thank you for the offer of your freebie...luv Ursula Longworth xx

  11. what a fun weekend. I think it will be a great way to keep his memory alive and honour him. i'm sure ruby is up for it. have a great time. be sure to take lots of pics so we can enjoy it. too! happy tails and trails to you and your group.

    love the jigsaw puzzle piece die and what you did with it. I would love to be it's new owner. thanks. Christi neal

  12. Christina, you make such beautiful cards! I think the "Piece by Piece" die set would make a lovely addition to my collection. I can see so many possibilities for birthday cards. Thank you for offering such a great gift.
    Barbara Youngs

  13. This is a cute set and I'd like to be in the
    running to win. Hope you all have good
    weather this weekend!

  14. So nice that you are doing the walk in memory of your husband. What a wonderful tribute!
    The Piece By Piece die set is awesome! Thanks for the chance to win it!

  15. Really fancy doing a Christmas puzzle with this set. Thanks for the chance to win
    Maggie Gardner

  16. Yes please Christina! Xx
    Sue Williams x

  17. Beautiful cards as always. thanks for the chance to enter for the draw.

    Donna Johnstone

  18. Such beautiful cards and wonderful video. Wishing you well on your journey this weekend. I hope that there will be plenty of joy, among the sadness with all the love that will be with you.
    Stacey Kowbel

  19. Lovely card and very versatile die. Would love to win. Hope all goes well with your trip to Wales.
    Sue Cockerham xxx

  20. Hello Christina,
    I hope you all make it to the top, and if you don't - well I think Griff will be happy that you tried. Enjoy it and remember the good times.
    Maureen x

  21. I have to laugh. My husband tells me that my thoughts are like a jigsaw puzzle. He can't quite figure me out. lol Great card. One can have a lot of fun with this.

  22. I've had my eye on this issue. It's not available yet here or I've missed it. I love jigsaw puzzles so I was immediately drawn to it. Sheron Egolf

  23. Hi Christina
    I do hope you all have a good weekend and the weather is kind to you. Good luck for your walk up Snowden,
    Hugs and best wishes
    Jenny Cottam xxx

  24. Wasn't sure I would like this, but after watching your video tutorial I got to thinking would be good for man-cards and kids here is my entry. Best of luck to all who enter. Hope you and your family have fun on your walk...Will be thinking of you all and Griff. Love you Christina.....Sheila Price

  25. Have watched the video Such a fun card. Would love to win this fab gift. Diana Lawton xxx

  26. Hi, Christina, what a great die set! I can see lots of d different uses for this one. Live the card you made. Good luck on your Snowdon trip. I think you may have good weather over the weekend. Griff would be so proud of you.
    Bejay Roles xx

  27. Lovely Friday Freebie. Thank you for the chance to win it.

    Wish you good weather to enjoy the walk. I hope you will have a nice time with your family even if it is a sad occasion, but many happy memories to remember of.

    Hugs from Toronto
    Carmen Ciubotariu

  28. Such a cute set and so many creative ways you used it.
    What a wonderful way to honor one of Griff's dreams. I hope you enjoy your walk and that you can feel Griff's presence beside you as you make his dream come true. Please be careful as it sounds rather strenuous.
    Sherry Hay

  29. I hope you have a wonderful walk and that you know how much you are loved!!! I think this is a wonderful set. So many uses, including Autism awareness.
    Annlouise L Harris

  30. Hi Christina. Good luck with your walk this weekend. The weather is certainly just right for it I think. Some gorgeous projects on your video and a fabulous Friday give away for us to win. Thank you xx

  31. Lovely cards. I always enjoy seeing what you make. Jean marmo

  32. that would be a fun die set, I can think of so many possibilities, I would love to be put in the drawing :)
    I wish you all the best as you do this walk and I am so happy to hear you are all doing it together, I hope it is a lovely remembrance for you all.
    connie griffin

  33. What a fun die and great looking card.
    Have a great time with the family and making great memories in honor of your husband....take care

  34. Oops.....I forgot to add my full name on my comment of Terrie.
    It's Terrie Rodrigue

  35. Lovely die set and card. Thanks for the chance to win. Enjoy your adventure. Anniek Dunn.

  36. Hello Christina, my holly and ivy gift arrived today. The card is even better in real life than the photograph. Thank you so much. Hoping you have a wonderful time walking Snowden in tribute to Griff.

  37. Pam Mckenzie, wow I thought I'd missed the chance to enter, Hope you have a great journey climbing Snowdon keep warm, show us photos later I'm sure it will be a wonderful experience for you all, my name is Pamela Mckenzie

  38. I felt as though I knew Griff being on your blog Christina and ruby and her pal
    Good luck god bless you all
    June Horrocks xxxxxxxxx

  39. This puzzle piece is so great. It can be used in so many ways and various projects. I hope you and your family have a great walk up Snowdon with Ruby. Griff is looking over you all and has a smile of joy over his face!

  40. What a bitter sweet time for you, Christina. Hope all went well with the walk, it will be good to do it with friends and family.

  41. Hope you had a great time in Wales, doing the walk for Griff, with your family.
    What a neat idea the Jigsaw die is.

    Kim Cranson


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