Beautiful Card Designs Made Easy

December 23, 2012

Elf Shoe Video...

Remember the little Elf Shoes?

Well just as a quick post I have done a short video on how I made them.

It is very short.... about six minutes so you will just have time to have a coffee while you watch it.

This is the Spellbinder that   I have used and it is  Labels Eight

 I have also used two circle dies for the shape of the shoe and the ankle area.

You can use punches to get the circle cut outs if you prefer.

But because I have them I like to make use of the dies  instead.

Let the video Creating Elf Shoes with Spellbinders  show you how...and make those Spellbinders work for you.

Hugs xx

December 21, 2012

Mannequin in Black...

 I have been busy with the other dress form and I decided to make this one a little more sophisticated.

I kept the colours to black and  silver and added in some "Bling" for good measure.

I have used Gilding flakes on her right shoulder and in areas along the bottom of the form ...  and in those areas I have added in the Diamante swirls from Want2Scrap

I also used them to decorate the base along with some black and white flowers  from Wild Orchid Crafts

There is a spotty bow along the base too for an extra touch.

Then I made a tulle underskirt and edged it with black lace.

I used some Velcro dots  to fasten it in place around the waist of the dress form.

But it needed more ... and in my stash I found some black material that would be perfect for what I wanted.

So over the top of the underskirt I made a black over-skirt.

I edged the waistband with black ribbon and added in the bow to one side, and put a Diamante in the centre to cover the knot.

This skirt was also held in place using the small Velcro dots.

I made it so that the lace to the underskirt would be showing as I thought that was a pretty touch.

 Now all ladies need a hat and so here is the one to go with this dress form.

For this I have used the same material as the skirt... the same flowers and spotted ribbon but on this I have added in some feathers.

And so here she is all dressed up  ... and this is another one that I am very pleased with.

I have already been asked how the hat was made and so that will be in a video ...  coming soon !!

Anyway now I need to concentrate on Christmas because believe it or not I still have NOT got a turkey.

I will be catering for my family that day and they all like turkey with all the trimmings.

So if I don't get the chance to post again before the big day I would like to wish you all a very
Merry Christmas  

Hugs xx

December 20, 2012

Mannequin Parade

The other day I bought some dress forms from Cardcraft Plus  and I posted a picture of the bare mannequins on my blog.

 They are gorgeous and although the store is well worth a visit the dress forms are all gone.  How do I know this ????? .... Because I went back to buy more without success.
(Sob Sob)

So I have now decorated one of them and it is gorgeous and it is a Christmas prezzie for ...... ME!!   'Coz now it's done I can't bear to part with it ... and it is much prettier in real life.

I had such a good time adding all the little touches to the form and I have paid great attention to the detail.

I have given her a tiny pearl necklace and the small roses on her lapel are from Wild Orchid Crafts

There are tiny bows and buttons on the back of the dress to hold her necklace and the lace in place.

The butterflies are the Spellbinders Les Papillion 

The dress is created from an Indigo Blu  stamp and was very easy to do .... but I will go through the process  in a video coming soon.

This company also has bare dress forms but they are not as big as this.   They come complete with a stand and so well worth your consideration.

The stamp is called "Bubbles"  and there are some really pretty stamps to choose from.

But once the dress form was covered I couldn't stop there ... Oh no!! she had to have a hat and so that was the next thing to make.

I  made it from pink felt and then dressed it with flowers, ribbons and pearls and added in some feathers for good measure.

And here is my completed project just in time for my Christmas present.

I shall give it to myself on Christmas morning and I shall be so surprised at this beautiful gift.

Then she will take pride of place on my dressing table so that I can see her everyday.

Hugs xx

December 19, 2012

Challenge No. 2

Debbie from  Paper Creators   has launched the second of her challenges and this time it has been set by yours truly.

I chose for my theme Black White and one other colour and this is the card that I made.

So my card is black, white and red and before you tell me ... I know I cheated a little because of the skin tones.

But what's a little cheat between friends ???

This is a pre coloured image called   "Noah's All Ears" and he is just one of many that you can choose from the really cute images that you will find.

I have added in some wide silk ribbon and the pearly swirl is from Want2Scrap

If you would like to enter a card or project into the challenge then pop over to   Paper Creators  and add your entry..

You could win £10 to spend in the shop and get some of the delightful images to use on your creations.

It will run until the 29th and then a winner will be picked at random.   Good Luck...

Hugs xx

December 18, 2012

Elf Shoes....

This little fun card is the last one I am adding for Christmas 2012 .....

 I am all Christmas-ed out.

I want to make some cards in summery colours with flowers, ribbons and pearls ... and as girly as I can make them.

I want to add lace and butterflies and get back in to the mood for some sunshine and warmth.

And I have my fingers crossed that this summer will be a good one for us in the UK.

Yesterday Griff and I went to  Cardcraft Plus   in Preston and I spotted these dress forms.

They are in the "End of Season Sale" and so I bagged myself a bargain.

Now you won't get much more girly than this shape.

All I have done so far is give them a coat of acrylic paint.

I am going to leave this to dry and then I shall work on what I want to do to dress them up.

Once they are completed I will add them to the blog ... and perhaps a video ... to show you what I did.

Hugs xx