Hi Everybody,

Yesterday my youngest daughter Vickie and I took Isabella to see Santa. Here they are !!
Vickie is Grandmother and I am Great Gran to the beautiful four year old Isabella and we had a lovely day out.
The weather was really kind to us after all the rain on Saturday and it wasn't all that cold either.
We wrapped up warm and off we went
We took her for afternoon tea in a really quaint little cafe am the man that served us had a turkey hat on which highly amused Isabella
The afternoon tea was served on layered platers and it was plentiful
Jelly and Ice cream were served to her in little buckets complete with spade and she ate most of it too
And in the cafe Isabella and I sang "Happy Birthday dear Nana" to Vickie as it was her birthday that day
Then it was off to ride the land train into Astley Park as Santa was at the big old house inside the park.
She was so excited to see the train .. Vickie I mean and Isabella loved it too ..... and me !!
We waved to everybody that we passed as we drove through the streets to the park and as we got nearer to the house Santa was waiting at the door to greet us.
All the children on the train were so pleased to see him and they were all calling out to him
Face painting was the order of the day before Isabella went to see Santa and it was part of the cost of the ticket
There where several options for the design but Isabella was set on having Santas face.
The lady said she would do a special one with some flowers for her and this was the end result.
Of course we had one really pleased little girl for the rest of the day.
So now with this pretty paint work it was off to visit Santa in his Grotto
She was very quiet when she met him but said "Thank you Santa " for the gift he gave her.
Then once outside she couldn't wait to open it.
In another part of the park there was an exhibition of the the artist who had painted the Gruffalo and we went to see that too.
The artwork is lovely and of course Isabella knew who the character was
This is Vickie reading the story of "Room On The Broom" to us but Isabella wanted to be off exploring .... I thought it was very good though !!
Then all too soon it was time to get back on the land train and head back into town, and by now it was going dark.
Chorley is lit up with Christmas lights and it looked really pretty as they twinkled in the growing darkness.
Vickie and I started to sing some songs and to our surprise others joined in too. So if you where on the that train listening to the catawailing then you have my sympathy
Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer, Jingle Bells, Away in a manger and others were all sung loudly
On the way back home in the car we sang several verses of "If Your Happy And You Know It" and we each made something up for the song to be happy about.
There was a lot of noise and laughter on out day trip and we took Isabella back to her mum tired and happy. She was a pleasure to take out and a joy to be with and Vickie was a good girl too.
More tomorrow ...
Hugs xx