Beautiful Card Designs Made Easy

August 30, 2021

Ruby Update

Hello Everyone,

I hope you are enjoying your Bank Holiday as mush as I am. The weather has been very kind and not too hot for me.

 I don't like it when it gets too hot especially with having a thick coat. But I am at the groomer's next week to have my hair done so that will be a little cooler for me. 

This was my walk through the big park her and it is called Stanley Park.  It has some lovely paths for us to follow that go through wooded areas as well as this beautiful fountain.

I would have loved to jump in for a little swim, and there was another dog already in the water, but no matter how much I barked my mum just wouldn't'  let me. When I was a baby though I did once step onto what I thought was green grass and it turned out to be just the algae floating on the top  of the lake in Stanley Park, and I went straight under.

My mum was calling me from the side, and that was when I first learned that I could swim, so I came straight back to her. I was about four months old and my mum nearly had a heart attack. Vickie and Dougal where with us too and it turned out to be quite funny once we all got over the shock.

Ever since then I have loved jumping in the water and I don't care if it is muddy either. My mum is not always happy when I am smelly though.

There is a lovely big café in there as well that gets very busy.  My mum had some coffee and we shared a piece of toast, and they always leave water out for any dogs that ned it.
So enjoy the rest of the week and I will see you again soon. 

Love Ruby 




  1. Sounds like you like your 'walkies' Ruby, and water by the sound of things....well most doggies do, so well done...luv Ursula xx

  2. Hello sweet Ruby, glad you and your mum are having a good bank holiday and it's so lovely to hear from you. Enjoy your pamper when you go for your trim which will make you feel a lot more comfortable when it's hot. Bye for now, little one
    Cuddles from Jenny C and Barney xxx

  3. I remember you telling of Ruby learning to swim LOL. Enjoy the weekend and Stanley Park. I guess Blackpool front and beach will be busy so the park will be lovely. One of these days I hope to visit again. Take care - love and a hug for both of you- from both me and Tigger xx

  4. Good Morning Sweet Precious Ruby! What a lovely day you had. The walk looked absolutely BEAUTIFUL! I know it's always tempting to "jump in" but please heed your Mum when she tells you no. She loves you Dearly! Sometimes a place can hide all kinds of nasty things in it that can really make you sick; and we don't ever want anything to happen to you. You're too precious! Thank you so much for sharing such a beautiful day with us. It's always good to hear from you. Until Next time Little One. Take good care of you and Mum. Big Hugs. xo

  5. I love your update Ruby. We also have a Stanley Park here in Vancouver, B.C. It's huge and beautiful. Have a great week.

  6. So pleased Ruby had a fun day with Mum. Diana Lawton xxx

  7. Hello Ruby, your walk sounds just lovely, and what a good girl your were to take heed of your Mum. Glad you had such a lovely day our and enjoyed your toast, Kate x

  8. I love these ruby updates.. Ruby has a more interesting life than GRETA and I have-- and that is as it should be. We are experiencing extreme heat here in Florida so our walking adventures have to occur early in the morning -- or late late late late at night...These times are not optimal for our comfort (unlike the cafe that offers water to its 4 legged guests) since we have to deal with mosquitoes and 'night critters' -- so it is usually a quick walk. We are looking forward to late October perhaps -- when the weather is less intense. So, for now, we have to live vicariously through your outings. Have a great week.

  9. Awww, love the update! Glad for good weather for you and Mom! ;)


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