Beautiful Card Designs Made Easy

Showing posts with label Embellishments. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Embellishments. Show all posts

February 23, 2012

Felt Flowers

I am sure you know by now that I love to add flowers to my cards whenever I can ...  and so this morning I bought lots of felt squares in different colours.  It was not expensive (47pence) and each sheet is about the size of A4 card ... so not a bad price!

With the help of the Spellbinder Spiral Blossom  I set to and cut out flowers in most of the colours and leaves from the Foliage dies in the two shades of green .

I was very pleased with the result and used my hot glue gun to hold the flowers together ... but if you don't have one then a few stitches will keep them in place. 

On some of them I have gone around the edge with glitter glue and left it to dry and that gives a really pretty effect.

And this is the card I made with one of the flowers tucked in place along some satin ribbon.

I have added a bow and there is a piece of  Card Candi added to the centre to neaten the knot.

A miniature tag tucked under the flowers says "With Love" and then I added the  Pearls  along the edges as a finishing touch. 

A card that is very feminine and "Mothers Day" is just around the corner.

Hugs Christina xx

February 22, 2012

Windy weather...

Can you hear it??? It's blowing a gale out there and I still have to go out and do my shopping.

Yesterday I was card making again and this time I was asked to make a really special birthday card for an 80th Birthday.

The requirement was that the card had to ... be a large card (yep can do that) ... be in pink  (no problem there then) have ribbon on it (that's my kind of card)... to have flowers on it ...(Oh! it just got better and better) ... and to have a matching box (Oh Yes...  all sorted)

Here is the card I came up with and when the young man came to collect it he seemed quite pleased with it ... but you know what men are like... they say yes it's fine and that's it ... so who knows... but he did give his permission to show you the card so here it is....

... and here is the box to match... complete with Flowers, Ribbons and Pearls .... OooooH! that title rings a bell.

And now I am off to the supermarket for goodies....anybody fancy meeting up for a coffee????

My daughter says that pensioners (me) should only shop on weekdays and leave the supermarket free on Saturdays for those who have to work during the week ... I won't repeat what I replied.

Hugs Christina xx