Beautiful Card Designs Made Easy

September 10, 2024

Trellis Cards - Variation One

 Hi Everybody,
Today I am sharing a 
that has been made with a handmade panel for the back. 

I really enjoy making my own background in this way and you can get so much variation in the finished card and I show you in the video how I get the look.

I got the idea for the ink smoosher from NBCards on YouTube and it is such a simple concept but so effective.

I have added this video to a Playlist called Trellis Cards and that will share with you many ways to create different looks with this simple design.

The card is easy to make and yet stands out from the crowd because of its unusual design.  

It is a style that has been around for a ling time ... I am just late getting on the bus !!

But I hope you enjoy the video and will come back for more as I have more ways to make trellis cards coming up in future videos.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

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