Hi Everybody,

I do hope this post finds you all well and escaping the effects of Coronavirus.
It is a very worrying time for all of us and can be very upsetting for those who have to isolate them selves from society.
I sympathise with you and I too, at 72 am, one of those who has to stay in doors.
We have to find things to occupy our time and keep our hands working.
I have started to do my spring cleaning early
Make use of Facebook, if you are on it, to keep up with family and friends.
Go back to writing letters or making phone calls to them.
We may be in an imposed social distancing situation, but we can keep close emotionally and tell people you love that you do love them and are missing their company.
Also think about the people out there who have to face everyday wondering if someone they meet will infect them. People on the front line like NHS staff, shopkeepers, transport drivers, school staff who have to stay open for some children and many many other workers that are too many to mention.
Think also about small businesses who are struggling in a different way. If the supermarkets don't have fresh fruit and veg then try the small green groceries who will also be struggling to keep going
This hits home to me personally as my Grandson has his own restaurant and has now had to close. He had a full house for Mothers day and now he has none.
He is operating a Take Away service and I will be taking advantage of that as this situation worsens.
As for me well I will try to give you all something to look forward to each week with the
Friday Freebie that will include the magazine and the gift that came with it.
I will cover the postage so that it is completely free to you and I am happy to send it wherever you are.
As crafters we can keep ourselves busy with the things we love to do, and remember that you don't need to go to the shops ,
Craft Stash is always there for items you may need.
They are still operating a full service though many staff are working from home.
Subscribe to your favourite magazine to make sure you have the inspiration you need, and get it delivered direct to your door, keeping you safe.
And don't forget the NEW online community that has been started for us all
Craft World will be the place to keep in touch with other crafters and enjoy a little fun in the process. And you will get exclusive videos on a regular basis.
So it's not the end of the world, and many of those who have had Coronavirus have now made a full recovery and can move forward .
We will all move forward eventually and things will get back to normal.
The sun will still shine tomorrow and the rain will still come down, but spring is on the way and so is change.
Keep smiling and be kind to others and we will all be better for it.
Much love and big hugs to you all