Beautiful Card Designs Made Easy

July 14, 2024

Christine Cloutier - Winner

Hi Everybody,

This is a bright and cheerful day which certainly makes a change as the weather here has been rubbish lately. Where has summer gone with some warm sunshine ??  it is not a but like July.

I have nothing planned for the rest of the day just going to take it easy and relax with Ruby and Ella.
Ruby and I may go for a short walk later perhaps a little trek through the woods as she loves that.

In the meantime the draw has been done for the two brands on offer this week and the name toady is...

Christine Cloutier

so if you would email me your postal address please to
I will get it sent off to you straight away.

Please be sure to let me know that you have it safely and I hope you enjoy playing with the items when they arrive.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

1 comment:

  1. That is me!
    Thank you Christina.
    I sent you my coordinates.
    Christine xxx


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