Beautiful Card Designs Made Easy

June 30, 2016

Create a Rainbow

Hi Everybody,

I really had some fun making this little card and I used my Circles dies from Spellbinders to get the look.

The card is created with Spellbinders A2 Matting Basics A and B

I used my Spectrum Noir pens for the vibrant rainbow and it is so easy to do.

You could use any pens that you have or even water colour the rainbow instead

Create A Rainbow is on YouTube today so please pop over and take a look.

I only used white card for everything and we all probably have some white card in our crafting "Stash"

The sentiment is stamped and embossed in white onto parchment that I bought form AnnaMarie Designs

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

June 29, 2016

Water Colour Wednesday - Delivering Parcels !!

Hi Everybody,

Todays card is created with a Christmas stamp but I didn't want it to look overly wintry

So I decided to paint it with brighter colours

I used Gansai Tambi water colours and I added in some lace from Wild Orchid Crafts  and a die cut shape just sitting in my bit box.

Waste not, want not ... as the saying goes so I used up what was there.

I also added in the stripes to the scarf by hand with a black fine liner pen. It just adds a little interest to the stamp.


Over the last few weeks I have added several cards to YouTube and said that they are A2 size and from a comment that has been left on my channel somebody has disagreed with me. 

Now a few years ago I added a video about our UK A2 size and the US A2 size and the difference is enormous and I thought it was worth explaining just how much

More About Card Sizes  was added for that purpose and so if you haven't seen the video and are a little confused about the sizes then here is the link again with the explanation. 

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

June 28, 2016

Tuesday Tutorial - Matting Basics

Hi Everybody,

The main feature of todays card is layers and frames and to show you how easy it is to get the double frame around the sentiment.  You could add in any flourish die that you have to surround your flowers to make a really pretty display
Spellbinders Supplies:
Other Supplies:

With die #7 from Matting Basics A cut two from Kraft card and Create a Hinged Card
With #7 from the Matting Basics B cut one layer in cream
Flat glue this to the base card
With #6 from the A set cut another layer in Kraft card
With #6 from the B set cut another layer in cream and emboss with the folder.
Flat glue these two together and then wrap with lace or ribbon
Add foam tape to the back of these and add to the base layers
(Please remember that die #1 is always the smallest)
From Matting Basics A take dies #1 and 2 and 3 and lay them all together on some Kraft card and tape in place and just EMBOSS ... this is an important step
Once embossed carefully remove the centre die, without disturbing the others, and now you can CUT
This will give you the impression that the frame is double layered.
Add foam pads to the back of the frame
Stamp and heat emboss the sentiment of your choice and cut it out with die #3
Add the frame to the top and press down
Add more foam pads to the back of this panel
Layer  the sentiment panel to the front of the card off setting it as you do. 
Arrange the flourish, flowers, pearls and the dove as you would like them 
Sprinkle the petals with some glitter for effect

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

June 27, 2016

Pretty Balloons ...

Hi Everybody,

So today I am adding in an extra YouTube video using those Brusho Crystal Colours  again for a fun effect

You will need some oval dies as well as the Brushos and some water coloured card.

I used some silver thread as the strings to my balloons but you could always draw them onto the card if you preferred

And to create the shine I used Glossy Accents.

The Video tutorial is called Oval Balloons and Glossy Accents  and it takes you step by step through the process to create these cards.

It's really easy to do and the longest part is waiting for the Glossy Accents to dry.

Don't be tempted to speed up the process with your heat tool though or you will spoil the effect.

Patience is a virtue !!
I hope you will give this try and there is another fun idea coming up on  my YouTube channel Thursday 30th June

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

June 26, 2016

Altered Box - Stage 2

Hi Everybody,

Last week I told you about a box that I have found in my garage

I sanded it all down and added in a coat of Gesso and that completed Stage One

I have now moved on to the next stage.

For this I have coated it all in Deep Teal acrylic paint and allowed it to dry.

My plan was to give it another coat but as it dried it was all streaky and it looked amazing and so I decided to leave it as it was.

Once the paint was completely dry I took some Gilding wax in Pewter and with a soft cloth I rubbed it into the grain of the wood

I wanted to maintain the streaky look and so I add the wax in long strokes to both the inside and out
I buffed all the wax up to a soft gleam with a cloth and once the light catches it it looks lovely and I am very happy with it so far 

I still don't know what I will use it for yet but I am enjoying the process.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

June 25, 2016

Todays Winner,

Hi Everybody,

Today the sun is shining and it is lovely to sit outside. I wish it would last for a few weeks now so that at least we can feel that we have had some summer.

My eldest Granddaughter is coming home for a  two week visit from her work experience in Australia later in July and so I am hoping for some good weather then, and maybe we can have a BBQ for all the family.

The draw has been done for yesterdays pink card and the name chosen at random this week it you ...

Isabel Gunter 
could you please let me have your postal address to
and the card will be on its way to you straight away

Please let me know when it arrives with you and I hope that you will like it.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

June 24, 2016

Friday Freebie 124

Hi Everybody,

This week the card on offer is the pink one featured in a Tuesday Tutorial - Mary Border Strip

The card is 5x7 and it has a birthday verse inside it

Maybe this is a card that you would like to have and can make use of.

If it is then all you need to do is leave me a comment at the end of the post.

From those comments a name will be drawn at random and notified on the blog in the morning.

It would be really nice if you would join the band of followers too and comeback regularly to see what is happening.

If you add your comment then you will need to come back to check if it is your name that is added to the Saturday blog post.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

June 23, 2016

Creating a Chalk Background ...

Hi Everybody,

Many of us have pastel chalks in our crafting stash and they have been there for ever.  They just never seem to run out.

Or maybe you don't use them much these days preferring other mediums to create your designs.

Well I thought I would put them to good use and make a card using them for my background and make a little video in the process

It has gone "Live" today on YouTube
Create a Background with Chalk

This is the card that is in the video but here is another that was done with the same chalks just a different colour
The chalks I have used are "Siesta" but I have had them so long I don't remember where I git them from so shop around for the best price

You can also buy a fixative in a spray that will stop the chalk from rubbing off the card but I find I get them same result with a cheap hairspray ... so save your self a bit of cash !!

The results are very pale but that just adds to the beauty of the card and I quite like both of these

I have added the links at the bottom of the page for you to see what the products are but shop around for the chalks and get the best set you can afford ... depending on how much you think that you will use them.

I also have a page on my website    Using Chalks    that can show you other ways in which to put chalks to good use.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

June 22, 2016

Water Colour Wednesday - Altenew Persian Motifs

Hi Everybody,

The lovely stamp is from Altenew and is the Persian Motifs.

I used the new Zig Clean Colour Real Brush Pens that I bought last week.

This card is an A2 size

I coloured the flowers on water coloured card and then used the matching die to cut them out.

I bought both of mine from Sevenhills Crafts  which is a UK company

The pens are a pleasure to work with and the colour spreads really well because they have " Real Brush" ends.

Over the top of the colour I added in Wink of Stella clear glitter pen and that adds the sheen that you can see in the picture.

The second card is a 5x7 and I have used Grate Effect from Spellbinders for the background and both are bright and cheerful cards

More tomorrow ...
 Hugs xx

June 21, 2016

Tuesday Tutorial - Arched Swallowtail

Hi Everybody,

For todays tutorial I am featuring some of the new dies from Becca Feeken.  These are all beautiful and designed as part of Beccas wedding theme. But they can be used for any occasion and give you really intricate cards.
Spellbinders Supplies:

Other Supplies:
With die #7 from Matting Basics A cut two panels and create a hinged card 
With die =7 from Matting Basics B cut one panel in silver card
With #6 from Matting Basics A cut another white panel and emboss in any folder that you have
With dies #3 and #4 cut the largest in silver and the smallest in white card
With the largest Tag from the Deco Swallowtails cut a panel in silver.
Layer all these panels with foam pads in between
Using the Thank you from the words set cut it in black and again in foam and add the two together.

Assemble your card by adding the layers to the base card and then add the tag on top with foam tape
Add in a double white bow and add the glittery centre to cover the knot 
Decorate with white flowers and green leaves and add glitter for extra sparkle

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

June 20, 2016

Altered Box - Stage One

Hi Everybody,

After clearing out the garage and getting rid of garbage I found this box tucked away at the back of a shelf.

It just called out to me ... "Don't throw me away ..." and so I brought it inside.

 It was really dirty but I knew that I wanted to do something with.

At this precise moment I don't know what I am going to do with it but I have the old brain whirring around with ideas

The first thing I have done with it is clean all the dust and cobwebs off and it is looking so much better already

I have sanded it all down to a nice smooth finish both outside and inside and then got rid of all the dust

I decided to add a coat of White Gesso to it all as a base for any other colour that I wanted to add but that is as far as I have got with it so far

It really is quite a sturdy box and once I get some ideas going for it I will get to work and show you bit by bit what I have done to it.

So watch this space

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx

June 18, 2016

And the Winner is ...

Hi Everybody,

Well here I am early this morning and the sun is shining today. We are taking a trip up to Windermere later and enjoying a day out.  So I needed to get the draw done before I go and find a new home for the pink and turquoise card from yesterday.

A name has been chosen from those of you who left me a comment and the the winner is ...

Linda Simpson
can you please send me have your postal address to
and the card will be on it's way to you straight away

Please let me know when it arrives with you and I hope that you will like it

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx