I am very blessed to be in the position of being offered product to use without any strings attached and who wouldn't say yes when offered things like this.
So a few weeks ago I was asked by Easy Craft Art if I would like to choose some items from their website to try.
I had a good browse around and there is a host of things for journaling and scrapbooking and I have never done either of those things.
So I selected the items shown as I have never done anything with real wax seals in the past.
Being new to this I have to do some learning to do for myself but as I progress I will be adding the seals to my cards and I will share them with you as I do. And if you would like to try this too then Easy Craft Art are giving you a 12% discount on your order if you add Christina12 at the checkout

Good luck with the new kit Christina. Looking forward to seeing how it all works xx