Beautiful Card Designs Made Easy

August 28, 2024

Parchment Scraps

 Hi Everybody,

Playing with the parchment over the last few weeks has produced quite a bit of left over pieces and so this was one way to put them to good use.

I added them to some white card to give them strength and then I cut them down into banner strips, of varying widths and lengths,  with a little fish tail at the end of them. 

For this top card I layered them on to an embossed panel with foam tape in between each banner and I mixed up the colours so that each one would be on a different colour.

I dotted small dots around the front and they are created from the hole punch and gold card, and I added the video for that a few weeks ago.

They do look very effective on my card. and these strip have been added vertically on my design  

On the card to the left I followed the same process but dressed this card in silver and added these strips horizontally to the embossed panel

The butterflies have been backed on to parchment  and the wings curved up a little to give movement

Just by playing I have created some lovely cards from bits of  parchment  that would otherwise have been wasted.

And had some fun in the process.

More tomorrow ...

Hugs xx


  1. Lovely cards Christina, love the colours you have chosen.

  2. Good Morning Christina. This is why I love popping into your daily posts every morning. Always something new to challenge us. You would think my worktop would be the tiediest in the land with all the bits I am using. But no. The lady comes up with using the parchment bits we have all aquired. I love it. Thankyou Christina. Sending hugs 🤗 and best wishes to everyone. Please stay safe and well 🙏. Kind regards Ann Toppcards in Leeds

  3. Beautiful cards Christina. Love lilac and purple hues x

  4. love this idea for using up the extras, so pretty!


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